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(This chapter has: self harm, Self hate, cursing)

Travis' POV:

Cut after cut, after cut. I whispered to myself, 'shut the fuck up you worthless bitch. Suck it up.! You're fine" I was crying like some weakling. Then, as if things couldn't get worse, I heard footsteps, I froze. The footsteps stopped by the sink, I hear the person sigh. I 'unfroze' I guess, I just went back to cutting, biting my lip to stay quiet.

I started to pick at the large wound on my arm, the person slammed their hands against the sinks, causing me to accidentally rip open my arm, making the wound larger, I tried not to make a sound but, well. "AH, SHIT. FUCK.-!" I yelled out in pain. The person walked over a minute later, probably froze in shock for a minute, whatever, that's not important.

"Hello?" The person asks. Shit, I know that voice, it's fucking. Ugh, it's Larry Johnson, the fucking stoner. Then again I can't say shit about myself

"Buzz off, stoner." I tried to say harshly but, it came out in a hurt, small tone. "Dude? You okay? I honestly don't know why I'm asking, but you good?" Larry asked, sitting against the stall. "I'm fine." I lie, wiping away the tears from my eyes with my uninjured arm.

"You sure, man?" From what I can hear Larry pulls out something from his pocket and plays some, death metal? Dunno dont care, honestly. "No, I'm not, I fucking ripped my arm open." Larry gagged. "Eugh! I just got a mental image, that's fucking horrible man, should I call someone?" I frown at the last bit. "No, don't, I'll just clean and wrap it.. i'll be fine" Larry gets up and picklocks the stall door, he has a sensitive stomach, so, once he saw my wounded arm he threw up in the toilet. "Holy shit! That shits fucking-" I cut him off.

"Shut the fuck up, Johnson." I got up and walked out of the stall, being followed behind Larry. "Dude, you can see the fucking bone!" I sigh. "Why the fuck would you care?"

Larry looks concerned but sighs "I'm taking you to the nurses atleast, man" I bit my nail and mumble, "fine"

Larry grabbed my hand gently, I pulled away and said "I can walk myself, Johnson" he frowned. I walked out of the bathroom with Larry following behind.

×______________/IME SKIP: 2 weeks later.\_________________×

Still Travis' POV:

I was currently leaning on the wall behind the school, smoking a cigarette and scrolling on Instagram. It was lunch time and i didn't feel like eating to I decided to take a small 'smoke break'. Larry, just then has to walk out. Great, I ignore him and continue on with what I'm doing, Larry looks at me, and snatches my phone.

My eyes widen in shock as this happens, "wtf, dude!" I say standing up straight. Larry decides to take a fucking selfie of himself and post it. I try to take my phone back but he pushes me away, "Dude, give me my phone back!" Larry takes the cigarette from me and hands me my phone back, I was unlucky then, because he had already put MY cigarette in HIS OWN mouth. What I meant by unlucky is that, that was my last cigarette in the pack.

But, it was also kinda gross, he fucking stole my cig. I huffed and went back on my phone "was that your last one, darlin?~" well now I can't tell if this guy's teasing me or is horny. "Yes, it was" I reply, leaning on the wall again as I watch my phone die, I put it away. "I'm sorry puppy, do you want it back?~." I cringe at the pet name "jeez, what's with the nicknames, Johnson?" I snarled. He goes up to me, and then proceeds to mock me " "it's nothing of your concerns, fag" " he laughed a bit. I glare at him and then leave as I have nothing to do.

__/\__/\____<TIME SKIP YET AGAIN: after school>____/\__/\__

Me and Larry both got detention for skipping class. Ugh, this is gonna be a fucking nightmare! I groan.


That's the end of this chapter! Hope you enjoyed! ^^

Have a nice day/afternoon/night folks!

--- Travis

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