A new start.

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(This chapter has: wholesomeness)

No ons's POV:

..~Let's say that.. Travis and Larry, aren't dead..~..

Travis walked up to Larry, they were in Larry's room, packing to move. Larry looked at Travis, "are you sure about this.?" Travis asked, Larry sighed. "Yes, I'm sure.." he said, petting Travis and pulling him into a kiss. Travis smiled, "I love you, idiot" Larry smiled, picking Travis up. "I love you too" he said, kissing Travis. Travis hid his face in Larry's neck, kissing and biting it. Larry moaned, dropping Travis, "no" Travis crossed his arms.

×time skip×

Travis and Larry were getting off of the plane they had gotten onto yesterday. Travis was exhausted, he couldn't fall asleep in the plane. Larry got their luggage, walking over to Travis. Travis immediately clung onto Larry. Larry laughed slightly. "C'mon, let's find an apartment" Travis looked up at Larry, "okay"

×time skip×

Travis speed walked into the apartment, looking for the bedroom, once he found it he faceplated into the bad. Larry walked into the room, "You're so cute" he smiled. Travis curled up in the bed, "mhm. I know" Larry crawled into the bed, snuggling up to Travis. Travis hugged Larry and fell asleep instantly, Larry fell asleep a minute later..

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