~what is it?~

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(This chapter has: Self harm, wholesomeness)

Travis had a knife, staring at himself in the mirror of the bathroom.. his surroundings fading into black, it was a bit satisfying, the room being filled with a black mist, red speckles in the air, growing larger and dripping down walls, ceiling.. Anytime Travis made a new cut the red dots would grow bigger, as well with the droplets, Travis never understood this until one night.


Travis awoke in a pitch black room, his body weak and light, like paper. Travis held a knife in his hand, his arms covered in scars. Not recent scars, old ones, the knife was stained with dried blood. Travis began cutting, the very, very, small red dots growing larger as red droplets drip onto the, floor? "What the fuck.." Travis muttered as he watched the dots grow in size, four white lights appearing in the corners, the room was utterly large..

Travis went to one of the white lights, putting one of his hands threw it as his eyes widened when his hand ACTUALLY went threw, "okay.. maybe I shouldn't.. I feel like Sal would know more about this, wouldn't he.?" He asked himself, pulling his hand back. The knife dropping into the black void that Travis called the 'floor'. Travis sighed.

Travis stepped back before hearing a voice call out,"no, no, go inside, please..!"

(Present time)

Travis saw the white rooms once again, he actually never went into the rooms, maybe now was the time? Nope.. because Larry had to walk in and interrupt Travis and his, well... let's call them just thoughts. "Travy? What are you doing?."Larry asked, walking up behind Travis.

Travis flinched, his surroundings instantly changing back into the bathroom, his arms were covered in fresh, open scars. The knife had fresh blood on it, Travis stared at his arms and the knife, Larry gently taking it away from Travis and putting it down on the edge of the sink.

"Baby.. why?.." he asked, his voice soft, caring. Travis sighed softly, "I just.. I don't know..." He mumbled, tearing up. Larry hugged Travis, "hey.. wanna talk about it.?" "No, no.. i-i don't even understand it, myself.." Travis admitted. Larry rose a brow, "what do you mean by that, love.?" He asked, Travis shook his head. "I'm not sure what it is, but.. I know I have to harm myself for it to work.. atleast, that's the only way I know how to get in there.." Larry stayed silent..

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