Ýøų'řə ņ0ţ űğłý, §ąĺ..

684 13 3

(This chapter has: wholesomeness, drug use (drinking mostly))

Travis' POV:

Sal, for the first fucking time, took his prosthetic off in front of me. I didn't know what to do, Sal sets his prosthetic down on the table infront of us. I stare, really, I have no idea what to do. I blink, rubbing the back of my neck as Sal looked at me. "I'm ugly, aren't I.?" Sal says, tears forming under his eyes, well, mostly eye, but- you get what I mean.

"No, Sal, you're not. You're not ugly" I hug him, Sal started crying. Hugging back, Sal sobbed harder. Denying everytime I said he wasn't ugly and that he was beautiful. I sigh, petting Sal's head, Sal looks up at me. "D-don't I look like a f-freak.?" Sal says, calming down a bit.

"No, Sal, you're not" Sal wiped tears from his eyes, "I-I should probably get ready.. I was supposed to meet up with Ash for an art peice.." I simply nod. Sal grabs his prosthetic, buckling it back on, he gets up, "I'll cya later, Travis" Sal leaves the apartment.


I was laying on the couch, I had been drinking, Larry went out to get some food, so I.. I took a few of Larry's whiskey, beer, whatever he had. I took it, I was feeling a bit suicidal so, I had attempted to kill myself. Only for Larry to walk in on my 4th bottle. He had tooken and hidden the bottle from me. Right now, he was laying beside me, snuggling up to me and kissing me, repeatedly. I was telling him to stop but he didn't, Larry finally stopped and hugged me tightly, "I love you"

"..I love you too" he smiles, "mine!" I chuckle softly and nod in response to his childish talking. Larry kisses me once again and falls asleep, I smile softly. I sigh and get up.

"I love you, Larry, please, don't be sad.. it's for the best"


Haha! Cliff hangerr!! Kinda short chapter? I know, anyways tomorrow is my first full-day-! I'ma try to write on the bus, I get off at around 2:30 PM my time- it's 10:00 PM for me rn as I'm posting this-

Have a wonderful day/afternoon/night folks!

--- Travis

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