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(This chapter has: Self harm, Suicide attempt, cursing, mentions of suicide, a bit of cannibalism? Self hate)

Travis' POV:

It was a day after Larry had did that to me. Anyways, that's not really important, right now, Larry was venting to me behind the school since Sal was sick. And for some reason he wanted to come to me to vent. Larry stopped venting and was wiping tears from his eyes. Larry kissed me gently, I only pushed him away. "I'm not gay dude!" That, that was actually a lie, woah, surprise. Now that's not important either.

"Sorry.." Larry apologized. I sighed "Whatever" I get up. Larry looked up at me "where are you going..?" He asked. "I've been thinking about killing myself, so, I'm gonna do it"  I grab a knife from my bag. "Wait, dude don't!"  I ignore Larry and head to the bathroom, hiding the knife from people in the hallway.

I got into the last stall in the boys bathroom, locking the door and sitting down against the wall. I grab the knife, I started to cut, then it lead to stabbing, then opening, and then tasting. The pain feels so, so nice! I cut open my arm, cutting a small chunk off and eating it.

"Shit, that's actually pretty good.." I mumbled to myself. I d don't try more, since that wasn't what I needed to do.. I take my shirt off and start leaving cuts, deep ones. On my chest. That's when, Larry walked in and ran over to the stall.

I sigh and try to ignore Larry, but, he picklocks the stall door, he tried to reach for the knife but I put it down beside  me. "Give me the knife, Travis" I glared at him. "No." Larry grabs the knife. I, snatch it, Larry sighs and sits down next to me "Wanna talk about it atleast?" I bite my nail. "No, no not really"

Larry suddenly, wraps his arm around me, I squeaked at the sudden touch. Larry chuckles bit and pulls me onto his lap. "Just, please don't, kill yourself" I pout but promise I won't, but, that's a lie. I will, one day. Larry leans in for a kiss but I pull away, "Dude, what's up with you tryna kiss me, man?" Larry bites his bottom lip "well..." Larry sighs. "No reason, it's stupid anyways." He pushes me away and leaves, rude. Whatever I dont give a fuck.

I grab the knife, and resume cutting.






Eventually I started to notice how much I was cutting off. You could see the bone still, but it all just LOOKED and tasted so good! I cant get enough.. I started crying. I tell myself to shut up like other times, but it just doesn't work this time, I keep telling myself to shut up. Saying things like "Shut the fuck up you faggot-.!" "Suck it the fuck up, you're fine."  "Stop being such a crybaby." "Don't be such a wus." "Shut up, you worthless bitch!" I tug at my hair. I sob.


How is it?? I would love to know, the last part is actually shit I'd say to myself when I cry, but that isn't important. I wanna know how the chapter was, if there are spelling mistakes, I should add/get rid some things!

Have a nice day/afternoon/night folks!

--- Travis

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