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(This chapter has: wholesomeness)

Travis was the first to wake up, he woke up about.. an hour ago at 5:55 AM, it was 6:55 AM now, he'd just made coffee and bacon n' eggs for breakfast. Travis went into the bedroom, Larry was still asleep. "Oi, fatass, get up!" Larry woke up, yawning. "What time is it..?" Larry asked, his voice low and raspy. Travis smiled softly, "it's 6:57 AM, dear, I know you wake up later on but i just made breakfast" Larry sat up, stretching his arms above his head, bones popping.

"Fine.. I'll get upp.." The sleepy Larry said, his arms falling to his sides. Travis moved some hair out of Larry's face, "I love you, sleepyhead" he said, Larry smiled, "I love you too" he said, planting a small kiss on Travis' lips. "Now, let's go eat before the food gets cold"

×time skip×

Travis was walking around the apartment, not sure if what to do, then, he got an idea. He went into the bedroom, dug threw drawers, once he found a notebook and pencil he flipped to an blank page and started writing.

'Times back in Nockfell were kind of shitty.. until me and Larry shared a time together- it was sudden, first, I hated him and now.. now we're just inlove.! Honestly not how I expected my life to go.. but, life is full of surprises, isn't it? Heh..'

Travis stopped writing, he didn't know what to write, honestly, he had wanted his life to follow another path.. sure, he wanted to be with Larry, but, he didn't think he would fuck with him first!

Larry walked in, "Hi love!" He said, Travis closed the notebook and put it down. "Hello" Travis smiled at his lover, Larry went up and hugged Travis. "I'm bored" "what do you wanna do, then?"  Travis asked. Larry thought for a moment.. "can we cuddle on the couch watching movie?" He asked. Travis nodded, "of course"

×time skip×

Travis and Larry were cuddling on the couch, watching a horror movie. Larry was in between Travis' legs, snuggled up against him, wrapped in a blanket. Travis had his arms around Larry, smiling. Larry fell asleep a minute later, leaving Travis to wonder about what's happening in Nockfell..

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