§əłf h4ť3

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(This chapter has: Self hate, self harm, f Slur, Homophobia, mentions of abuse)

Travis' POV:

I wipe the tears from my eyes and grab a lighter from my back pocket.


The flame burns my skin, hot, fresh blood drips onto the floor. I keep burning my arm, I burn words like, 'faggot' and 'sinner' on my arm. Tears spilling from my eyes, down my cheeks as I pick at the burnt, hot, bloody flesh on my left arm. It hurts, but I can't help myself, the pain is to nice! I pick at the hot flesh, ripping parts of it out. "You deserve this you, sinner." I repeat as I dig a blade into the burning, hot, bloody flesh. Tears streaming down my cheeks. I sob loudly as I take the blade out and drop it on the floor, blood spilling everywhere. Creating puddles, leaving a few stains if not cleaned properly.

I wrap the wound with some bandages I oh so randomly had. "You should've kept picking at the fucking wound you, faggot." I say to myself. I sigh and get up, unlocking the stall door. I break down into tears, shocked. I tell myself to shut up, like I always I do, I repeat the words "Shut up" over and over and over again.

~ Time skip ~

I was sobbing in the bathroom, curled up by the sinks. I wipe my eyes but tears keep streaming down! It's so fucking annoying. Crying makes me seem weak, I'm not fucking weak.! I sob more. GOD FUCKING DAMNIT! Why do I have to fucking cry?! Why do I have to be so weak!? I want to scream but I dont, I wanna get so much off of my shoulders, but I'm too scared, I'm scared, I can't come out, being gay is a sin. I-i'm a sinner. I'm a fucking sinner! God will never love me! I'm a disappointment to my family, god, my religion. I'm useless, worthless. I'm NOTHING. I sob some more.

Larry, then has to walk in, ugh. I don't want to see his fucking face right now. "Dude? You okay.?" "I'm fine you fag!" That's a lie! No surprise at all, it's, clear that I'm not fine. Larry walks up to me and sits down infront of me "ya sure, dude?.. doesn't look like you're fine, I don't know why I care about you- but, I do" Larry put his hand on my shoulder, I don't want to do this. "I can't go home..! I can't take it!" I blurt out threw sobs, Larry's eyes widened a bit before he calmed himself down, he sighs.

"Why can't you go home, Travis?" The brunette asks. I stay quiet for a moment, thinking 'why'd I say that?' 'Shit, i shouldn't have blurted that out, this would've been avoided if I didn't blurt that out!' I sniffle. "I-i don't wanna get h-hit again, i don't w-wanna be in the basement-t for another week..! I-i..." I wipe tears from my eyes. Larry just stays quiet before pulling me onto his lap. I groan in disgust, "this is kind of gay, man." Larry kissed me gently on the forehead.

I pull away, wiping where he had kissed me "fucking gross, dude! I'M. NOT. GAY. get that in your fucking head! Being gay is disgusting." I growl. Getting off of Larry's lap.

Larry stays quiet for a moment, "it's not disgusting, Travis, it's a beautiful thing, look ((idk what to say srry, lol)) Travis.." Larry bites his bottom lip, I tilt my head in confusion a bit, just like a confused puppy.

"Travis, I like you" the stoner blurts out, looking away from me. I gag "that's fucking disgusting!" I get up "you are disgusting." I feel like I'm about to have another break down so I leave.


Hey! I'm gonna post alot today and tomorrow because I start school in 2 days and can't have my tablet for the school year, so, expect alot of chapters, some might suck, some might not since I don't really have any ideas-!

Have a nice day/afternoon/night folks!


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