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(This chapter has: suicide attempts, self harm, Self hate, cannibalism, just- sadness)

No one's POV:

Travis had grabbed a knife from the kitchen, he went into the  another room, the bathroom, to be exact. Travis closed and locked the door behind him, he was mumbling "I'm sorry Larry and Sal... I'm so sorry, but, it' for the best.. I'd have to leave this world eventually so.. thought I'd speed up the process.." Travis stopped to chuckle. "I love you Larry.. i'll miss you both.." Travis lifted the knife up, sticking his arm out infront of him. He brought his fist down, stabbing himself in the arm.

Blood splattered a bit, he lost a lot of blood in that arm, it's still a wonder on how he hasn't bled out from how much he'd stab himself in that same arm. Blood splattered around his arm, a bit got on the floor and on Travis' shirt.

Travis gulped, cutting open his arm. Blood slipped from the wound on his arm, onto the floor. He cut his arm larger then before that new, fresh blood seeped down his arm dripping onto the floor quickly. Travs smiled softly.

Travis couldn't help it, he had to try something better then stale bread, pizza, steak, anything. He cut a chunk off of his arm, catching it and almost cutting his hand open during the process. He brought the peice of his arm up to his mouth and bit into it.

Blood dripped from his mouth shortly after, there was more blood, more pieces of himself that he was chopping off.. his scars.. they started to open, Travis couldn't help but to yell in pain, he fell to the floor with a thud. His back ached and blood poured from open scars on his back, chest, stomach. It was a mess, Travis sobbed and screamed in pain while laughing, with all of his strength in his right arm or his, "uninjured" arm.

He reached for the knife and got ahold of it, he brought it towards him, he pressed it against his neck, closing his eyes.

Larry's POV:

I heard, screaming, laughing, and, sobbing.? Travis.! H-he can't be left alone.! Shit.! I get up, running towards the bathroom door, I wiggle the doorknob, nothing. Shit. Shit. Shit. Fuck.! "Travis! open the door.!" I banged on the door, starting to sob. I got no response, I bang on the door until I made a hole in it.

No one's POV:

Travis had slitten his throat ((Idgaf if "slitten" isn't a word-))
Larry stuck his arm in threw the hole in the door and unlocked it, pulling his arm out of the hole, he practically slammed the door open, he saw Travis. He sobbed louder, harder. He screamed, Travis was passed out, still alive, luckily. Larry rushed over and checked his pulse before grabbing his phone and calling 911.


Travis' POV:

I woke up in a.. hospital.? What.? I-i should be dead .. I deserve to be dead! I sit up, the bed creaking underneath me. Larry shot up from the chair beside my bed, he was sobbing, tears streaming down his face, his eyes were puffy and red. He was shaking violently, "L-lar–" I'm cut off by a brunette hugging me tightly but, gentle enough to not cause any pain from the scars on my back, chest and stomach.

"O-oh thank g-god you're al-alive.!" Larry was sobbing threw what he said to me. I don't utterly know what so say so i just, pet him and kiss his head, Larry seems to calm down a bit at my action, looking up at me, "pl-please, never do that a-again!" He stuttered out. I sigh, "Okay, love.."

Larry kisses me, I, kiss back. Then.. my father walks in.. me nor Larry noticed at the time so we never broke the kiss..

"TRAVIS!?" Kenneth yells.


Mahaha!! Another cliff hangerrr!! I'll be writing when I'm waiting and on the bus, if I do remember correctly people at my school CAN bring our devices to lunch.. dunno-

Have a wonderful day/afternoon/night folks!


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