W-wait sir, please..!

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(Yes, I am to lazy to make the text like "$*ř§ō$ť" anyway. This chapter has: Homophobia, f Slurs and murder, guns)

No one's POV:

Travis and Larry broke the kiss almost immediately, both of them flinching at Kenneth's voice. Travis was terrified and you could tell, just by the look on his face. Larry quickly got up and turned to Kenneth, "Travis, what the fuck. You faggot, that's it. This is your last time." Travis and Larry both tilted their head in confusion. Kenneth, then, pulled out a gun. :yes, I did sneak this in here." Kenneth aimed the gun at Travis' head, Larry's eyes widened in shock.

Just then, as if it was a miracle.. a nurse came in.. her eyes widened in shock as well, she screamed for security. Kenneth,  turned around in shock to see the sudden screaming girl. Security came in, in a matter of seconds. Larry and Travis just sat there wide eyed and watching. Kenneth laughed aloud. "You- you think Security is gonna stop me?! [Laugh] I own this fucking hospital, I own everything in this town. I, I can get you fired. I run this town, do you hear me?! I can do what you want." The nurse and Security just stood there, Larry slowly opened the window as if to not make noise.

He looked out of the window, 3 drops down.. he sighs softly, sticking his head back into the room and closing the window. Travis fiddled with his hospital gown. Then, a bang was heard. 2 more after that.. Travis flinched each time, Larry saw this happen and hugged Travis. Kenneth turned to the frightened boys.

He laughed, "Travis, I hate you, you're a fucking disgrace. A waste of oxygen, you deserve ever single drop of pain. You'll love this! Wouldn't you?" Travis stayed quiet but nodded. Larry stayed silent the whole time. Kenneth smiled. Aiming the gun at Travis' head. He pulled the trigger, the bullet went through Travis' head before anyone could react. Travis fell back. Larry yelled. "TRAVIS!" He started to sob. Kenneth only laughed. He aimed the gun at Larry..

Larry was terrified, he was sobbing, shaking violently. Kenneth only seemed to love this. "Oh, I've waited so long to do this!" He laughed louder. "Your friends are gonna be so sad.. oh, that's right.. one of them were.. Sal, Sal Fisher, am I right?" Larry shot up. "Y-you wouldn't.!" "I would. Now, what are your last words, Johnson?" Larry stayed silent before saying, "You're an asshole.." Kenneth rolled his eyes and pulled the trigger, the bullet hitting Larry right in the heart..


Hm.. a twist, huh? I'm almost to school right now- I'm on the bus, but, anyways, there will be more to this!! Just, not any Larvis stuff. Cya!

Have a wonderful day/afternoon/night folks!


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