*read 'who could love a broken girl' first*
*warning contains smut and mentions of violents*
we continue where we left of.
but it is far from a happy ever after. y/n thinks her life is meaningless and want to do something with her day, so she decid...
* read part 1: 'who could love a broken girl' first *
"how are you feeling" the doctor asked. "it's..getting.......better" you say, after 2 weeks it was still hard to talk and it still hurt like hell. "let's take a look" the doctor came closer to you "it healed nicely" he said looking closely to the wound on your throat. "but i want to make a picture from the inside to see if everything is fine there too" he said grabbing a long thin cable with an camera on the end, which they used to take pictures with. you were nervous, the last time they shoved that thing down your throat you almost had a panic attack, you were trying hard to keep your powers in. you looked over to your dad who was sitting next to you, panic showing in your eyes. the doctor came walking towards you with the cable in his hands. "it's okay" your dad said grabbing your hand. "okay, open your mouth" the doctor asked. you slowly opened your mouth. "good, now deep breaths thru your nose" the doctor said calmly as he slowly puts the cable in your mouth. "now, this might feel a little weird" the doctor said as he slowly pushed the cable down your throat. you squeeze your dad's hand harder. "good, deep breaths" the doctor said calmly, reassuring you, you were doing great. "eh y/n, your squeezing to hard" your dad said to you, and you clearly saw the pain in his eyes. you loosen your grip and look at him with sorry eyes. "all good" the doctor said pulling the cable out. you breath out heavily as the cable leaves your mouth.
you let go of your dad's hand and see him rub over it. "I'm sorry dad" you say to him feeling guilty, sometimes you forgot that you are way stronger than the people around you. "it's okay y/n, don't worry about it" he said smiling up at you. "now let's see" the doctor said looking at the picture on his computer screen. "it looks all good" he said as his gaze turned to you "which means you can try to speak again". "oh no" your dad said jokingly "it was so peaceful the last two weeks". you smile at his joke knowing he was happy your wound healed well. "I do advice you to take it slow y/n" the doctor says "even though it all looks fine, it can still be hard to talk. you see vocal chords are muscles and since you haven't used them in a while, they need to get used to it again. I'm gonna give you some medication, you can take them to help with the pain. do you use any other medication at the moment?" he asked. "yes, she's on sleeping meds" your dad answers for you. "ah okay, well you unfortunately can't use both at the same time. I'm gonna give you the meds and you make the choice if you want to use them or if you rather use your medication for sleeping okay?" the doctor asked you. you nod your head. "alright, if you have any further questions you can always call me" the doctor said smiling kindly at you. "thank..you" you say with a hoarse voice. "get well soon" the doctor says before you walk out of the doctor's office.
you and your dad drive home, you see your dad rub his hand again. "I'm really.....sorry...dad" you say to him "some-times i for..get". "I'm fine y/n don't worry about it" he said smiling at you. you drive past a school and look up at the building. you don't remember going to school. "dad?" you ask "yes" he replied. "did i... ever.. go to school ....and collage?" you ask him. "yes you did" he answered. "what..did i ...study" you ask him, curious about your life before hydra. "you were gonna do a music major when you finished high school" he said smiling at you. "could...i play....an.. in..instrument" you ask him surprised. "yes you played the guitar and you really enjoyed singing, you have a beautiful voice" he said to you. it was weird hearing that, you always wanted to learn to play the guitar, guess you could already play it. and singing you loved to sing in the shower where no one could hear you. "did i...finish...high..school?" you ask him. "no you were in your last year when you d-" he said falling silent not finishing his sentence. it was silent for a while before you asked. "can i....go to ....school again...dad". you thought about how great it would be to go to school again, to do something with your day. to actually learn things instead of learning how to punch and kick, which in your opinion you already mastered. "yeah of course, if you want to we can look up some schools" he replies. you smile at your dad, going to school, that would be nice.
when you got home you immediately asked your dad to look for schools in the neighborhood. "here, this one" he said showing you. "midtown high school" you read of the screen. "I think this one is good for you" he said. "it looks...nice..but won't i....be too...old.....for...hi-gh school?" you ask him. "yes, i know you will be the oldest there. but i think it will be good for you to go to high school, with your memory loss and everything" he said looking at you. "i guess you're...right" you say smiling at him. "I'll give them a call, see if we can stop by tomorrow, alright?" tony said. "thanks dad" you say as you hug him before you walk out of his office.
you walk to your room, well actually it was Steve's room but you now shared it. "hey gorgeous" Steve says as you walk in.
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"you're looking happy" he said smiling to you " I'm guessing the doctor gave you good news". "yeah i can....talk again" you say smiling at him, lying next to him in bed wrapped up in his arms. "i think i... want...to go...back to..school" you tell Steve. you look up at him hoping he was as excited about it as you. "that's uhh" he replied not knowing what to say. "why do want to go back to school?" he asked you a bit confused. "well..i want..to learn....new ....things" you answer "i just...want to...i..just" you say your voice giving out on you. "you know i support you no matter what" he says looking into your eyes "but i can't help but feel a bit sad that i'm not gonna have my girlfriend by my side all day" he said kissing you deeply.
"did you look at schools already" he asks you. you nod your head already tired of talking. "we're...going...to-morrow" you say to him. "is tony going with you?" he asks. you nod your head yes and smile up at Steve who smiles back at you pulling yourself closer to his chest. "i..could...play....the ......guitar" you say to Steve. "really? were you good at it?" he asked you. "i...don't........know" you say back. "i could.....also...sing..tony...sai-" you fell silent as you thought about it, you could sing and you enjoyed to sing but now, with your vocal cord being cut, could you still sing? you got sad at the thought. "hey, what's wrong?" Steve asked you knowing something was bothering you. "what..if..i...can......never......sing...again" you ask him. "you'll be fine y/n, look at how much more you can already talk, it's just gonna take some time" Steve says to you as he hugs you tighter. how did he do it, his real super power wasn't super strength. it was the ability to make everything seem like it was going to be okay.