chapter 5 {pain}

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back at home you immediately walk up to your dad's office. he was busy working on something, when you walked in. "hey dad" you say before you see he has plaster on his hand . "hey y/n" he said smiling at you. "dad i'm so sorry, is it broken?" you ask him. "don't worry it's nothing" he said. "no it isn't nothing dad, is it broken?" you ask again. "yes it is" he says looking at you, knowing you would feel guilty about it. "I'm so sorry dad" you say with tears in your eyes. "hey it's okay it will heal" he says "I'm sorry i couldn't take you to school today, i totally forgot. how did it go?". "i think it went well" you said while still thinking about hurting your dad and almost hurting that kid at school. "hey y/n, i really am fine, don't worry about it okay" he said hugging you, knowing you struggle with the thought of hurting him. "okay" you say softly. tony hugs you tighter "it's okay, accidents happen". "i just don't want to hurt anyone" you reply. "i know sweetheart" he says back "I know". you let go of him and want to walk away. "oh dad, i kinda promised a friend at school an ironman autograph" you say smiling at him, still finding it funny. "well okay than, but just this once" he says signing a piece of paper and giving it to you smiling. "have you picked up the guitar yet" he asks you before you leave his office. "no not yet" you say as you walk out the door. you were nervous to pick up the guitar, what if you couldn't play it anymore.

you waked up to your room expecting Steve to be there waiting for you but he wasn't. you looked at the guitar in the corner of the room. you traced your fingers over the strings, you wanted to pick it up but eventually decided you were not ready for it yet. you were tired after today and you wanted nothing more than to cuddle up in Steve's arms. after 30 minutes Steve still wasn't there, so you went to look for him.

*steve's pov*

you sat in the Livingroom waiting for y/n, when Sharon came up to you. "hey Steve" she said in a happy tone. "hey Sharon" you said back. things have been a little awkward between you 2 since you haven't really seen each other after you kissed. "what are you doing" she asked you. "I'm waiting for y/n" you answer. "care to join me in the gym for a bit" Sharon asked you. "nah, y/n's probably here any minute now" you replied. "oh come on Steve, i need a fighting partner, just half an hour" she said. unable to say no you went with her to the gym. you did some fight training, sparring with each other. "so what's going on with you and this y/n" she asked you out of nowhere. "oh she's amazing, i love her" you say back. "she seemed busy last week" Sharon said, you weren't sure what she was doing, but Sharon was up to something. "yeah, she's been busy studying" you say back. "does she have time for you left if she goes back to school?" she asked you. "of course, i'm sure well have enough time together and I'm sure we'll make time for each other" you answer. "aren't you scared she find's someone better at her school, since she will spend most of her time there?" she said trying to get something out of you. "I'm sure we'll be fine Sharon" you said being done with this conversation.

you threw a punch at her but she blocked it. she came running towards you but she slipped. out of reflex you catch her in your arms. "thanks" she says looking into your eyes.

 "thanks" she says looking into your eyes

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