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Yuzu can't believe it.

"Rouxi Lan." She balled her fist and instant anger filled her. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

The red-haired vampire who killed her best friend standing not too far from her.

"How could you not hate someone who betrayed you?" Ruoxi asked with a straight face.

"She didn't betray me. She betrayed you." the blonde was fuming.

"Damn right you are. She tried her best for you to not get close to vampire Aihara, but fate led you to her."

"You lured me to go to that house, didn't you?" Yuzu wasn't letting her guard down.

"I did. That kid, Matsuri was just a pawn, and so is Taniguchi."


Yuzu fired her pistol at the vampire and black liquid came out of her shoulder, the wound smoked and it was healed in an instant.

Ruoxi's expression didn't change a bit. It happened so fast that Yuzu was caught off guard, the vampire was already in front of her and because of her size, she was towering Yuzu.

"No human can defeat a vampire. In order for you to defeat me, you have to be one." Yuzu can't move, she doesn't know if it's fear, but she knows she can't lose. The vampire's fang was now showing and attempts to bite her neck, Yuzu tried her hardest to move but to no avail she can't, so she bit her lip hard instead until blood is the only thing she can taste. She regained her strength and kneed the vampire's gut, she encircled her neck with her arm and attempted to break it. The vampire formed a knife shaped ice on her hand and tried to stab Yuzu, but Yuzu stepped back on time. She felt a sharp pain on her torso but she ignored it. She was bleeding.

"Nice move Okogi, Taniguchi trained you well. By now you surely knew that she let you win on that sparring, right?"

"What do you want? Why are you doing this?"

"It's nothing personal. We only want your precious Aihara. We need her power."

It was now dark, the only light they have is the city light.

"You won't die tonight, Okogi, but I have to mark you a little so that I wouldn't have to find her, I'll make her come to us."


The vampire didn't even let the agent finish. She punched her right in her stomach and Yuzu felt her insides being crushed, blood was dripping on her mouth. She forced to stand and attacked the vampire, but her attacks were easily avoided. Her training was all for nothing, she can't even touch her. Ruoxi held Yuzu on the neck and lifted her.

"You're pathetic for being in love with a vampire."

Yuzu saw something on the vampire's eyes.

'Was it sadness? Disappointment?"

"Isn't your wife... a human?" The agent struggled to speak.

"Don't... ever talk to me like that." Ruoxi's eyes were getting dangerous. She threw Yuzu on the ground like a ball.

"Damn it." the blonde was on the ground and tried to stand but Ruoxi's punch was taking a toll on her.

The vampire formed a sword made out of ice and was slowly approaching. She lifts the sword ready to kill Yuzu.

"What are you doing Ruoxi?" another tall girl with long black hair appeared. She was leaning on a tree not far from them.

"Sun Jing." The sword disappeared.

"Boss summons us. Let's go."

Without a word, the red haired vampire was gone. Sun Jing stared at Yuzu for a second and gone in an instant. Yuzu forced herself to get up, clenching her hand in her wounded torso, she went to the Sakura tree and sat.

"What a fucked-up world we live in. I miss you, idiot." Yuzu went back to her apartment, she can't go back to her girlfriend's house looking like a beat-up puppy besides, she doesn't want her to get worried. How could she protect the ones she love if she can't even lay a finger on the enemy? She was about to walk inside her building when she bumped into someone.

"Okogi?" the girl asked.

"Saeki." Yuzu said weakly. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just in the grocery. Do you live near here?" There's not enough light in that area so the other agent didn't see much of the wounded girl's state, then a car passed by them and that's when she saw the bruises on different parts of her body, busted lip and scratches on her arm.

"Okogi, what the hell?!" Saeki gasped.

Yuzu nearly fainted, but Saeki was quick to catch her.

"We're going to the hospital." said Saeki.

"NO! Ahhh!" Yuzu felt a searing pain on her torso. "Please, not. the. hospital. I'm fine." Mei might see her there.

"Let me get you to your apartment." Yuzu guided her, they went inside and luckily there's no one around. The other agent took Yuzu's key, she laid her in the couch and prepared a first aid kit. "I'm gonna cut your clothes now, okay?" Saeki was calm, they were trained for that when treating other's wounds. "Holy hell Okogi." Saeki was surprise when she saw the wound in Yuzu's torso. "Fuck. I'm gonna need to stitch it."

"Just do it." Said the blonde who was sweating because of the pain. She clenched her eyes tight and her grip on the edge of the sofa tightened that it was nearly ripped. "Fuck!"

"It's finish. What the hell did you do?" said Saeki.

"Bike accident." Yuzu was panting.

"I'm not that dumb, you know." Saeki now just realize that she's looking at a half-naked Yuzu. She looked at her amazing abs, to her medium size breast that still covers a bra, to her neck so smooth she feels like licking it, Yuzu's lips were slightly opened and her eyes closed. Then she snapped out of it.

"hhmmhh. Uhmm... hungry... I mean, are you hungry?"

"No. I'm okay. Thank you Saeki. I'm sorry I dragged you into this." The blonde looked at the other agent. Saeki blushed, she found the wounded girl endearing.

"It... It's alright. Look, I'm not gonna ask you what happened, clearly you don't wanna talk about it, but please be careful. I have to go, my sister's probably looking for me. Are you gonna be fine on your own?"

"Yeah, thank you again, Saeki, and can you keep this between us?"

"No problem." Saeki smiled and went home.

'You can never kill me unless you become one.'

Yuzu woke up in the middle of the night sweating and panting. Ruoxi's words echoed, her whole body aches, she struggled to get up, she took a pain killer and tried to sleep.

Mei was getting suspicious, she hasn't seen Yuzu in a week. Is she avoiding her? She said she was busy and because of her absences she has to catch up in her work. Mei doesn't want to be that kind of girlfriend but she misses her and she was worried.

One Friday evening Yuzu went to the grocery and was walking home when she saw someone waiting for her. Mei wearing tight jeans, a gray shirt, low cut white sneakers, her hair down, arms cross, was standing in a street light post and looking at her. The vampire's eyes widened, Yuzu's bruises took too long to heal and the cut on her lip is still visible.


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