Points of Authority

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Three days after, Mei woke up feeling much better, the wound on the skin of her torso closed but not completely healed as there's still a small scratch that should still be treated, she could move easily now. She got up and took a shower then went downstairs and found a note on her fridge.

Eat the fruits I have prepared. Be back soon.


She found the bowl of mixed fruits and ate. Her morning consisted more of physical activities because she felt rusty after Yuzu imprisoned her on bed rest. She's not complaining though. Those times, Mei tried to pursue her and courted her, once, she played her own composition written for Yuzu. Corny as fuck but it made Yuzu tear up, in a good kind of way. Mei was also feeling extra sexually aroused when she's near Yuzu because a vampire Yuzu is extra hot. The blonde's figure definitely got sexier, her baby fats on her cheeks and body as well were now replaced by a defined jaw and toned abs. Her legs seem skinnier but stronger. She also now trimmed her brows to look more natural and also her blonde hair looks like it's glowing when it's being hit by the sun. But the purple eyed vampire's weakness is her neck, she can't even explain it, but she's restraining herself to jump on the blonde whenever they meet so she's kind of avoiding her. She wants to rebuild their relationship first. Rebuild before sex. That's what she's been telling to herself.

She ran some lapses and went to a gym even though she has her own in her house. All eyes on her when she got out of the gym's locker, but she didn't even take a glance on anyone.

She warmed up for fifteen minutes then did her routine. She used the jump rope first, then built her muscles and lift some weights. Even when she's sweating, she's still gorgeous, some of her hair was now dangling on the side of her face. She stepped up on the ring for self-practice and put on a bandage on her hands for support.

"Care if I join you?"

Mei's eyes widen and the voice made her stop from wrapping her hand. She turned around and confirmed who she though it was.


"Long time no see cousin." the woman smiled.

Zhu Huilin, a woman/vampire with the same eyes as Mei and had a long dark blue hair tied in a ponytail, red lips and had the same sharpness in her eyes. She was Mei's cousin but slightly older than her.

"Why are you here?" Mei asked boldly.

"Same cold Mei. I moved out a few days ago and here I am." Zhu said who made a hand gesture.

"Don't cause any ruckus here alright? I know why you're in the city."

"Oh yeah?" said her cousin still smiling.

NOTE PLAY Points of Authority by Linkin Park (love this song)

They went on each side of the ring and get ready.

"You're here 'cause you're bored and starts chasing girls."

Zhu tightened her ponytail.

"Cousin, cousin, I don't chase girls. They come to me." she smirked.

The match started.

Mei started by jabbing her right hand aiming for the other's face. There are no equipment or support on their bodies except the bandage on their hands, they're also barefoot. Mei didn't give the opponent a chance to attack, she threw continuous punches and kicks and the other perfectly dodged it all. Mei tried an uppercut but Zhu just went with the direction of her punch, she jumped and did a back flip, but before she can land Mei was already dashing towards her and strike another punch which the other blocked with her arms.

It was an intense match. All of the people inside the gym, the caretaker, even the gym instructors are in awe. Some with their jaw drop and some are just amazed that they left whatever the hell they're doing. Zhu started her counter attack by sweeping his foot on where Mei was standing that made the black haired vampire retreat backwards. On the course of five second, Zhu hadn't even hit Mei, not even once. After 30 minutes of sparing, the match ended with Mei being the winner.

"Damn Mei, you really show no mercy." said Zhu while on the shower and Mei changing her clothes. "Hey can I go with you in your house today? I'm bored."

"No." said Mei uninterested but joking.

"Sweet!" Zhu said happily.

Mei was driving home with her cousin tailing her. Mei stopped when the stoplight turned red, and Zhu positioned on Mei's left. She signaled challenging the black haired vampire to a race by stepping on the gas.

Zhu was driving a dark blue 2021 Hennessey Venom F5 while Mei, a 2022 Aston Martin Vanquish. When the light turned green, they both sped up making the people on the sidewalk turn their heads. Zhu was ahead of Mei with a small gap. They turn to an express way with a medium traffic and dodged every car. They're already in the middle of the bridge when a flashing black bodied and red lining Lamborghini Aventador S Roadster suddenly joined the race. The driver seemingly knows the end of the destination and passed by them with ease. The three raced like their life depended on it and surprisingly, the car that were last to join was accelerating faster. They were now approaching a railroad crossing and its gate were slowly coming down as a signal that there's an incoming train. Zhu looked at her opponents and none of them are backing down. They all sped and got passed while the lambo is still leading. They were no match for it. The Lambo drifted until its back is facing Mei's house and hit the break, second to reach was Mei and lastly Zhu.

Mei and Zhu got out of their cars and waited for the driver of the Lamborghini to also come out. Their jaw drops when they saw Yuzu coming out of it.

Yuzu brushed her hair up using her fingers while coming out of the car and Zhu stared in awe.

'Is this what falling in love feels like?'

Both of them stared at her like they saw an angel coming down from heaven. Their heart beat loudly at the same time too.

"Well fuck me." Zhu whispered. 

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