Blades of Glory

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Gao was in advantage.

"I admit, I didn't know you have this kind of strength blondie." said the red haired vampire.

"It's because I swore to have revenge on you, so I trained." Gao was in full rage, his calm and funny demeanor were all gone. A red orange aura appeared representing the color of fire was emanated from him, his shirt was already torn from their encounter. "I had enough of you messing with my friends."

Gao in a flash appeared and strike a punch but she blocked it with her arms, which has now covered with burns from the blonde's attacks. She covered her fist with ice and attacked Gao, they continued exchanging punches, blocks, kicks, showing everything they've got. Ruoxi trapped Gao's feet on the ground, his feet now stuck on the ground and covered with ice. She didn't stand in ceremony, she lifted her right hand and a rain of ice fell from above, he tried to repel it by covering himself with fire, but some of the sharp ice went through his barrier and cut through his body. He winced in pain while enduring the attack, his eyes widened to his surprise, Ruoxi appeared in front of him, she went through his fire barrier with an ice sword on her hand and stabbed him right on the chest.

His barrier slowly weakened, until, it was completely gone, he was dropped on his knees but bent the other for support.


"It was a good fight, blondie, but you could never..."


It was Ruoxi's turn to be surprise, at the time she was paralyzed, a sword shaped like fire went through her chest.

She dropped to her knees and collapsed on the cold ground.

Gao was panting hard and the ice on his chest was slowly melting. He struggled but still forced to stand as he was clutching his chest, he was bleeding hard.

"Ho... how?" the red haired vampire on the ground whispered.


"What?" she said weakly and confused, she turned her head and found a familiar sword on the blonde's hand.

It was Harumi's sword.

"When did you..."

"I hid the sword underground while you were distracted with Mei and connected a small invisible string of aura in it." black blood was dripping on his body.

"You covered it with fire."

"It's over Ruoxi." he walked closer to the struggling vampire. "Now, what happened to Yuzu?"

The red haired vampire laughed weakly, black blood was now coming out of her mouth.

"You were so focused of the girl that you didn't notice that the truck was also wrecked and it's passenger also happens to be a girl." she looked at the sky that was now full of stars. "The one who died was the truck's passenger. I manipulated a staff and exchanged their files, she was in a coma for 2 years, when I know it was the time... I bit her." she smiled. "But poor Aihara didn't know, I made Sun Jing tamper her memories, there's no way to get it back."

"Why? Why are you so desperate to acquire Mei's power?"

The moment Ruoxi opened her mouth, her black heart pounded heavily and loud, it was getting bigger. "You son of a bitch, S..."

Her heart burst.

Even Gao was surprised. The red haired vampire was now lying lifeless on the ground with a pool of her own blood.

Seconds later, Mei joined Gao.

"Mei? How was Yuzu?" his wound was now closing. He was lucky enough that Ruoxi missed his heart when he tried to dodge last minute.

"She doesn't remember me." Mei frowned and pure sadness can be seen in her eyes. "I know she's not herself right now."

They were both standing there staring at a lifeless Ruoxi Lan. They went back to Mei's house and told everything they have discovered. 

Mei was sitting by the window while Gao was leaning on the grand piano.

"She mentioned a name that started with S before her heart burst. I'm guessing it was that Sun Jing."

Mei's sulking expression changed into surprise.

"Do you know her?" she was back looking outside, it was already midnight, under the moon are the lights from the city that are reflecting on her eyes full of questions and longing. The night sky was clear and the cold air of winter can now be felt.

"She was a friend way back during the era of the second war, we got separated and I just thought that she also got killed, maybe it I wasn't the only one who got turned from that time." Mei's hand played the two rings on her necklace. "I don't know what's happening or what's going to happen." she looked at her friend with no trace of fear, only desperation. "I'm going to get her back."  

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