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"My head keeps on throbbing." Yuzu said as she massage her aching temples.

They are in Sun Jing's house and she was observing her from the armchair of the balcony. It's just a simple double story house with a swimming pool on the backyard.

"It started when I saw that woman with black hair. There's something with her I can't quite grasp." The blonde frowned. "What did she do to you to make you hate her?"

The tall vampire didn't say anything and stood.

"Quit whining, come on let's play, I'm bored." she finally said.

Sun Jing, a tall skinny vampire with ash brown eyes that has the same color as her hair. They went to a deserted cliff behind a forest, the waves are crashing against the cliff accompanying a strong wind. They faced each other.

"No powers." said the tall vampire.

"Understood." said the blonde tightening her ponytail.

They waited for the stone that Sun jing threw to touch the ground and started. They attacked at the same time and the first fifteen minutes consisted of exchanging punches and kicks and no one got hit yet. Sun Jing's hand to hand combat was amazing, after all she was an ex military. One minute and Sun Jing's arm was on Yuzu's neck, the blonde with all her strength pulled the other vampire's arm and threw her on the ground but the blonde got out of balance and Sun Jing took it as a chance to knock her. They switched places and Yuzu was now on the ground while the other was on top of her, right arm on her neck, her left hand on Yuzu's on the top of her head. Yuzu was panting while the other didn't even break a sweat. Sun Jing's hair was dangling and her heart was beating fast while she stares at the girl under her.

"Sun Jing." she snapped out of her trance, her phone was ringing and she got up to answer.

"What is it?" she asked the person calling. "Okay." she hung up. "I have to go somewhere. I'll meet you in the house later." she said and left a confused Yuzu.

Mei woke up in a small unpainted room with nothing in it, it's just her and she can feel something different from that room. She tried to use her ability and produced a flame but nothing came out. There was an old wooden door on the far right corner and Mei tested it once more but still, nothing happened. She was about to hit the wall with all of her strength but when she took a step she felt a sharp pain in her torso, she touched it and felt the wetness of her black blood. It was bad, she wasn't healing by herself. She tore her outer blouse, leaving her only with her sports bra showing her defined abs. She wrapped it on her bleeding torso to prevent blood flow. She sat for hours and didn't even know what time it was. She sat and crossed her legs, hands on both side. She concentrate and tried to listen on the outside surroundings.

"You're wasting your time." said a girl calmly

When Mei opened her eyes the figure of a tall woman with ash brown hair appeared. She got up, their height difference was quite far. Sun Jing was 5'8" towering Mei who's only 5'3".

"Where's Yuzu?" Mei's brow furrowed.

"Hello to you too, Mei."

Their eyes shared no warmth, not even familiarity. In a flash, Sun Jing was already beside Mei facing the opposite but she didn't even flinch.

"Your power is useless in this room." Sun Jing said.

The whole floor lit up a purple glow and a pattern was now visible. It was a big cirlcle and inside it was a series of triangular patterns.

"Why are you doing this?" How did you end up with them?" the purple eyed vampire asked, still without looking at each other.

"She saved me when I needed you most and you weren't there."

"She?" that's when she looked at the tall vampire. "Do you mean Ruoxi?" Mei continued. "Gao already killed her so there's nothing to..."

"We both grew up on different experiences and surroundings and that what makes us different now." said the tall vampire.

"I looked everywhere for you, Sun Jing, I reserved the last medicine that I have in case I found you. I was dying and took a cover in a cave I found, what I didn't know was it was a vampire's den. I couldn't believe it at first that such things exist, instead of draining my blood, another vampire killed it and the venom already spread in my veins, after I became one, they took care of me. After I recovered I still looked for you."

The room got quiet.

"We always have a choice on what we really want to do." Mei argued.

Sun Jing looked at Mei's eyes with a hint of sorrow.

"Sometimes we don't." She walked past at her and leaned her back at the wall facing Mei's back. "Tell me, Mei, if Yuzu's memories doesn't come back and became your enemy, would you kill her?" Sun Jing was observing her.

"That's not even a question." Mei's eyes softened as she walks to the opposite side of the wall and leaned. "I'd rather kill me."

There's not a hint of hesitation in her eyes and her former friend saw that. She closed her eyes and walked towards the door.

"Typical Mei." she said before she closed the door and left.    

Days has passed and Mei haven't eaten nor drank anything even though her guards was giving her food supplies. Until one night, she was sitting in the corner, one knee up, her arm leaning on it. The door opened. She didn't open her eyes thinking it was one of the vampires guarding her giving her meals. The door closed and footsteps could be heard, then it stopped halfway.

"Mei Aihara."

The purple eyed vampire's eyes opened instantly when she heard the voice. There, standing not far from her is a vampire wearing a cloak with food tray in her hand. The vampire removed her hood revealing her face.


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