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Chapter 22: Afraid

A/N: A slight change of Jihyo's appearance.
Jihyo has no left arm. Her arm is amputated. So, her sleeves will fall plain but her right arm is there.

Also, I will change the Prologue soon. Because the prologue has no connection to the storyline.

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You had disturbed the tranquil from the girls' supposedly urgent meeting in the room, but they didn't seem to look bothered, in fact, it concerned them to witnessed you fraught with danger.

Time has passed, everyone had left the room except you and Sana in the corner. The pure woman is still confronting you to calm in her breast, brushing the back of your hair gently.

"There, there, you're gonna be fine," Sana softly brushes your hairline, making you feel a bit sensitive to take your mind off.

Embarrassing to say that you're bawling your eyes out in front of the girl. You couldn't help it.

Who wouldn't be on their knees, traumatized after what the Spirit wolf did to you? It's one of the worst ways to die, and unforgettable.

You still remembered the pain you didn't want to feel. It appears that you'll be in your critical moment for a while until you recover.

"I'm sorry... I-I'm sorry for this..."

"It's okay. Take a deep breath," Sana insists, as she had continued brushing the back of your hair firmly while her other hand caresses your cheeks to keep you in her chest.

She smells so good. A feminine scent, almost a smell of a fresh flower, but candied fragrance. You had never felt this safe and sound before. You thought it wouldn't be enough to just say, 'Thank you' or express gratitude to Sana for this situation.

"I know you're suffering. For now, take a deep breath and relax. You were busy fighting for Nayeon earlier, so it's natural to feel tired,"

Yes, you are tired.

Tired of repeating again and again.

"You've done well. You deserve a rest," Sana continues, making your tears shed down your face and cries like a child.

"Thank you..."

"Sheesh, look at you. You're like a baby, hehe," Sana giggles and lightly squeezes your cheek.

"Can... Can I rest for a little longer...?"

"Sure, I have nothing much to do anyway,"

ーSana has nothing to do... Could this be... another chance to ask questions? It must be it. I need to gather more information before I make another bad mistake again.

"Sana... I have a question, may I ask?"

"What is it?" Sana tilts her head, still brushing your hair as if her hands were a comb.

"What can you tell me about the Spirit wolf?"

"Hm, I can't say for sure. I have not personally met her but Nayeon does. She's been alive for centuries, right?" Sana smiles.

"Nayeon met Spirit wolf?"

"They get along very well. Let's see. Hundred years ago, I think...?" Sana uses her mind to remember.

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