Chapter 2 "I'm Legally Free to go."

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Chapter Two

Two more days passed of us walking and we had only had a few hours of sleep. I just hoped Mr. Eten wasn't following. "Do you know who your birth parents are?" Legolas asked. I looked at the trees, the early morning sun filtering through them made the leaves dance in golden light, the birds sang enjoying the beautiful morning.

"I have my suspensions," I answered. I thought for a moment thinking on how to best answer what his next question would be. "I believe my father to be Lord Aragorn, son of Arathorn," I said after a moment's silence.

"And your mother?" he asked. I still hung onto his hand. This countryside was vast and I didn't want to have to track him. Tracking wasn't one of my strong suits.

"Lady Arwen of Rivendell," I replied. I suddenly pushed Legolas behind me and swung my hand behind me and caught an arrow. I grabbed Legolas' bow and fired the arrow back at who shot it. The arrow whizzed past his ear and embedded itself into a tree.

"You didn't come home two nights ago for your beating and your lessons in pleasing men." Mr. Eten had found us.

"I'm 18 and legally free to go Mr. Eten, I don't need your permission and I certainly don't need you to teach me the mechanics of sex. I can figure that out on my own when I'm ready. Now go home before I fire an arrow into your heart."

He growled at me, "You will come home with me!"

"Or what? Um? You'll beat me again? You'll whip me? You'll rape me? There's nothing you can do to me to make me want to stay. I am leaving!"

"No, you won't!" Mr. Eten shouted. I pulled an arrow out of Legolas' quiver and loaded his bow.

"One last chance Mr. Eten, go home, now!" I growled taking aim.

He laughed, "You couldn't hit the broad side of a barn." I aimed for his shoulder and making sure I wouldn't hit anything vital released the arrow. He screamed in pain. "You bitch!"

"Go home," I said making sure Legolas stayed behind me. Mr. Eten pulled the arrow out of himself and tossed it at my feet and he left. I watched him go. As soon as he was gone I picked up the arrow and wiped the blood off of it. "I'm sorry about that Legolas," I said returning the arrow and bow to his quiver.

"Why didn't you kill him?" Legolas asked.

"Believe me I want to, but sometimes true courage is knowing not when to take a life but to spare one," I answered. I then noticed he was bleeding, "Legolas, your arm," I said gently grabbing his upper arm. There was a gash from the arrow I had caught.

He pulled his sleeve aside looking at it, "oh it's fine," he said trying to brush it off.

"Let me see," I said sliding my bag off my back and getting out my first aid kit.

"It's fine you don't have to," he started to say.

"I want to Legolas," I said pulling out some hydrogen peroxide and popped the lid open. "This may sting," I said. He nodded and I poured some onto his cut. He flinched a moment after the liquid hit. "Sorry," I said still holding his arm keeping him from pulling away. I saw him watching my hands which were too well practiced at cleaning cuts. "You don't need stitches," I said taking a cloth and wiping away the blood. I pulled out a clean cloth and wrapped it. I then let his arm go putting my stuff away.

"Thank you," Legolas said.

"You're welcome," I said looking up at with a forced smile. I pulled out some protein bars and I opened one handing it to him. He shook his head so I put the other away and ate the one I had.

"Anything wrong?" he asked.

"I just hate seeing people hurt," I said not making eye contact.

"Anything you want to talk about? Your hands seemed well practiced at cleaning wounds. Is there a reason for that?"

"There's really nothing to say, what happened happened and nothing I say can change it. But I would like for someone to know what happened to me but it will be easier to show you than to tell you." He nodded and I turned my back to him and pulled off my shirt and then my bra. I used my arms to cover my chest and I heard him gasp. My back was covered in scars and welts. After a few moments, I turned to face him. My front was just as bad as my back.

I was pretty sure I saw tears begin to form in his eyes. I turned back around and dressed. I walked back over to him and just stood next to him. I didn't know what to do or say, but I could see he understood the pain I had gone through. He didn't move or say anything; there was nothing that could be said. "How could Aragorn let you go into that situation?" he asked.

"He didn't know Legolas. He sent me here to protect me, it's not his fault. Don't be mad at him, he did what he thought was best. Maybe I needed to go through this so I would be strong enough to survive in your world." I walked off heading back in the direction of the tunnel, "Let's go," I said looking back at him. He slowly followed me and I reached back for his hand, and he took it.

Where do I belong? A Legolas Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now