Chapter 26 The World

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It was about a week after the crowning, the hobbits were heading home, and Rohan was leaving as well. Faramir had appointed me the new Captain of the guard as he was leaving with Eowyn, with my blessing. "It seems quiet around here without the hobbits," Gimli said coming into the room I was sitting in.

"You mean Merry and Pippin," I said. I had noticed Sam liked the quiet of the gardens and Frodo the library. I wanted to see the Shire but I had to wait before I went to journey around the place. Dad wanted me to get to know my mother. Legolas had agreed to take me anywhere and everywhere. I also suspected that was his way of courting me, but I was fine with it. Now that we had time to actually get to know each other better and not worry about orcs stabbing us in the back or while we slept.

About six months later I found my father gather supplies, "what are you doing dad?" I knew he had no missions coming up. He was helping with the rebuild still. Lots of things had been destroyed in the war.

"You wanted to explore right?" he asked.

"Yes, of course," I replied.

"Good, you and Legolas leave tomorrow." With that, he left the room. I was a little confused. Was he throwing me out? Had I done something wrong?

"You did nothing wrong, my dear," Gandalf said coming out of the shadows. I looked over at him. "It's time you explored the world. It's been more than a year since this journey began." I wasn't sure what to say, "he wouldn't kick you out. You'll always have a home here."

"This isn't about me wearing a dress is it?" I asked.

"No dear," Gandalf replied. I headed for the stable. I was excited to be able to see the world, but I had always been in a group or alone. Being alone with just one male usually meant bad things. I knew Legolas didn't do that kind of thing and wouldn't. It was just going to be weird for me.

Where do I belong? A Legolas Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now