Chapter 20 Celebration

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait. Thanks for those who asked for an update. Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 20

We arrived back at the Golden Hall with enough time to get cleaned up. Éowyn dragged me to her room to help me get ready and find me a dress. She worked on my long dark hair and went on and on about there would be a chance to dance and this was custom here in Rohan, to celebrate the dead. The only time I had been around this many people was in battle, I wasn't sure about a party. I had never been to one.

"We should find you a dress worthy of a princess, that elf likes you." I blushed at her comment.

"I don't wear dresses Éowyn. I'm not comfortable in them," I said as she laid out some of her dresses.

"Oh nonsense," she said.

"Éowyn, I'm not wearing a dress, every time I was put in a dress bad things happened to me. I just want to wear my tunic and trousers and riding boots."

"At least let me do your hair," she said and I nodded. After an hour of dealing with my very long and tangled hair she and managed to get in a very complicated braid. We went to join the group as they were all filing into the golden hall. After the toast to the fallen everyone went their own way, talking, eating, drinking. Once I finished my meal I found Legolas and Gimli.

"Last one standing wins," Gimli said.

"You've got to be joking," I said taking a step back. Gimli started gulping down the beer sounding like a dog lapping up its water. I looked at Legolas and shook my head. "Don't," I said taking another step back as he held his mug of the drink. Slowly he brought it to his lips and started drinking. He just couldn't resist the challenge. I left the golden hall and went outside. I didn't want to know how Legolas or Gimli was when drunk; I didn't want to see them that way.

I went out to the watchtower and curled myself up into a ball, just watching the night sky. The one thing I hadn't been able to learn was the constellations here. I didn't know a thing about the sky here, were there other worlds? Other planets, like back where I lived? "Arathina," I heard my dad call. I didn't answer, I didn't know if he had been drinking too. I had learned to hide and be absolutely silent when hiding. Though with my real dad that probably wouldn't work, since he could track.

"The others are worried about you," he said from underneath the tower. I said nothing. "What's this about?" he asked climbing the ladder to join me.

I moved further back into the corner, away from him. "You remember what I told about my past? I was hurt more when they were drunk. I don't want to see my friends drunk. The drink turns the most honorable men into complete scoundrels."

"They won't hurt you," dad said sitting down close to the exit but being sure not to block it. "If anyone ever tried they'd have me to deal with. Fathers are supposed to protect their children and that's what I'm going to do. I promise you, as long as there is breath in my body I'll do whatever I can to make sure you're safe."

I moved closer to him, "Thanks dad," I said leaning into him. "If I can ask, why is it Sauron wants me?"

"You were born an elemental dragon; you're the only one of your kind. You can control all of the elements. He wants you on his side, to destroy us."

"So I'm the last of the dragons," I stated. I wondered when I would learn to use these gifts. Later I was out front of the golden hall with dad and Legolas. Legolas was looking towards Mordor. The world was changing.

"The stars have veiled. Something stirs in the east, a sleepless malice. The eye of the enemy is moving," Legolas informed. At some point, Legolas looked at dad and before he could speak I ran to where everyone was sleeping. I knew what he was going to say, Pippin was in trouble. He was always finding trouble. I came into the room knowing what I would find. I took off my cloak and covered the seeing stone and took it from Pippin.

"Gandalf!" I shouted. Gandalf quickly tended to the unconscious hobbit and asked what he saw before taking the stone where no one could get it. I stayed next to Pippin as he went back to sleep. In the morning Gandalf and Pippin would be going to Gondor. Another war was just around the corner.

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