Chapter 10 Let's Hunt Some Orc

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Chapter 10

Boromir was dead. The man I had come to see as my big brother was dead. The first person I told about my home life was dead. My secret keeper was dead. I sobbed turning to my dad. He wrapped me in his arms. "Hush Arathina, he has returned to the halls of his fathers." He turned to Boromir and whispered, "Be at peace, son of Gondor." He placed a kiss on his forehead as Legolas and Gimli arrived. They stayed back, giving us a moment. Just then sun filtered through the trees, setting the greenery ablaze with golden light.

"They will look for his return from the white tower, but he won't return," dad said. I started crying harder. Dad tried to comfort me but it was in vain. Soon we took Boromir back to the boats, placing him and his possessions in one to send him home. I waded out into the river as I pushed the boat towards the falls. I had kept his dagger so that I could remember him, always. I had placed it in my boot. I watched the boat slip over the falls and I remained in the river just looking at where the boat had disappeared.

"Hurry! Frodo and Sam have reached the eastern shore," Legolas called pushing a boat out into the water. I heard the splashing of the water as it licked his boots. Dad was putting on Boromir's arm guards. He said nothing but sighed. "You mean not to follow them?" Legolas asked.

"Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands," Aragorn said. I walked up out of the river, I could not stay there forever.

"Then it has all been in vain, the fellowship has failed," Gimli said.

The two moved closer to my father, I stayed near the boats gathering supplies. We would need it later. "Not if we hold true to each other," dad said placing either hand on Gimli and Legolas' shoulder. Gimli placed his hand on dad's arm. "We will not leave Merry and Pippin to torment and death. Not when we have strength left, leave all that can be spared behind," dad said placing his knife in its sheath. "We travel light, let's hunt some orc."

"Yes!" Gimli cried smiling at Legolas. They both took off and I secured one more bag to my back before following. I easily caught up with the group. Now, I would see how my training would serve me. I would find out if I had the endurance and stamina to run for three days.

As day turned to night I maintained a pace that I could easily keep, my dad, staying in the lead with Legolas behind him. I stayed behind Legolas and Gimli behind me. I kept my distance from the others; I was trying to deal with my grief of losing Boromir. Soon it was our third day of running, I was growing tired. I just kept thinking of Merry and Pippin. I knew if I stopped, that could cause enough of a delay for them to meet their end. I couldn't handle losing anyone else right now. Dad was now stopped his ear to the ground, listening.

"Their pace has quickened, they must have caught our scent, hurry!" he called. He took off running again. Legolas stopped just for a moment.

He looked over his shoulder, "Come on Gimli!" He took off again as I passed him.

"Three days and nights pursuit. No food, no rest, no sign of our quarry but what bare rock can tell!" Gimli exclaimed. He then began chasing us. I followed my father into a valley that had rock walls rising on either side. He stopped suddenly pulling something out of the ground.

Legolas nearly ran past when he spoke, "Not idly do the leaves of Lórien fall."

"They may yet be alive," Legolas replied looking over his shoulder at what my father held.

"Less than a day ahead of us," Dad said starting to run again. "Come."

Legolas and I followed. "Come Gimli, we're gaining on them," Legolas called over his shoulder.

"I'm wasted on cross country, we dwarves are natural sprinters. Very dangerous over short distances," Gimli said. He was trying to catch up. I ran up over the hill, standing by my father. Legolas ran past us, to see what he could see.

"Rohan, home of the horse lords. There is something strange at work here, some evil gives speed to these creatures," dad said. I looked ahead at where Legolas was looking, but couldn't make out the orcs. "Legolas what do your elf eyes see?" dad asked.

"The orcs turn northeast. They are taking the hobbits to Isgengard!"

"Saruman," dad murmured. I took off running again. I maintained my silence, not wanting to talk to anyone at the moment. I ran till sunset if the story I had read held true then shortly after dawn tomorrow we would have horses to ride and would be looking in Fangorn Forest. "Arathina, slow down, you're going to tire yourself out," my dad called to me. I ignored him. He had no idea how long I could run, there was a form of torture known as standing. I could endure it for four days and three nights.

I picked up my pace; I would not let my friends die. "Arathina, wait for us!" Legolas called. I didn't stop running, I couldn't. I let my grief fuel me, giving me speed. They continued to call for me but I couldn't stop. The next morning we were stopped by riders from Rohan.

"What business does a man, a dwarf, an elf, and a woman have in the Riddermark?" he asked looking at us. We didn't answer, "Speak quickly," he ordered. I looked up to see a man on a dapple gray horse wearing a helmet with soft yellow horse hair coming out of it.

"Give me your name horse master and I shall give you mine," Gimli said.

This seemed to anger the leader of these men. Their spears were pointed at us, the leader got off his horse. "I would cut off your head dwarf, if it stood but a little higher from the ground." The man was now standing in front of us.

Legolas quickly drew his bow, "You would die before your stroke fell." I pushed Legolas' arm down.

"I am Aragorn, son of Arathorn. This is Gimli, son of Glóin and Legolas of the woodland realm. "And my daughter, Arathina," dad said. I nodded to the man in front of us. "We are friends of Rohan and Théoden your king."

"Theoden no longer recognizes friend from foe," the man in front of us said. "Not even his own kin." He removed his helmet and the spears lifted away from us. "Saruman has poisoned the mind of the king and claimed lordship over these lands. My company are those loyal to Rohan and for that we banished." My dad looked confused. "The white wizard is cunning, he walks here and there they say, as an old man hooded and cloaked. And everywhere his spies slip past our nets." He looked at Legolas as though accusing him, Legolas returned the glare with one of his own.

"We are not spies, we track a body of Uruk hia westward across the plains, they have taken two of our friends captive," dad said.

"The Uruks are destroyed we slaughtered them during the night," the man before us said. I didn't say his name because I didn't want him to think I was some evil creature, for he had not given us his name.

"There were two hobbits with them! Did you see two hobbits with them?" Gimli asked.

"They would be small, only children to your eyes," dad said.

Éomer looked at us sadly, "We left none alive, we piled the carcasses and burned them," Éomer said pointing. In the distance, I could see a pile of darkness, black smoke issuing from it.

"Dead?" Gimli asked.

Éomer nodded, "I am sorry," he said. He turned away from us and whistled. "Huesful, Arod!" he called. Two horses walked forward. "Take these horses, may they bare you to better fortunes than their former masters. Farewell," Éomer said walking away. He mounted his horse, "Look for your friends, but do not trust to hope. It is forsaken in these lands. He turned to his men, "We ride north," he ordered. They left.

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