Chapter 9 Boromir's Passing

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Sorry for the long wait on the update. I have several stories I'm writing and I also have a job now so my writing time has decreased some.

Chapter Nine

We rowed almost all day. I took in all the sights around me, looking at the beautiful forests that seemed dark with the danger that lurked in the shadows. We stopped along the shore, not as rocky as the one from the night before. Boromir looked troubled. "Gwador?(brother) What's wrong?" I asked. He shook his head. The hobbits started to make a fire on the rocky island we had stopped on for the night.

Boromir was watching the water quite closely. Dad approached him, "It's Gollum, he's tracked since Moria. I had hoped to lose him on the river, but he's too clever a waterman."

"And if he alerts the enemy to our whereabouts, it will make the crossing even more dangerous," Boromir said still looking at the water. Sam was trying to convince Frodo to eat and Frodo kept refusing. Boromir turned to look at my father, "Minis Tirith is a safer road. You know it. From there we can regroup...strike out for Mordor from a place of strength." Now was not the time for this.

"There is no strength in Gondor that can avail us," Dad replied.

Boromir was quick to respond, fueled by anger that wasn't his own, but spurred by the ring. "You were quick enough to trust the Elves. Have you so little faith in your own people? Yes, there is weakness. There is frailty. But there is courage also, and honor to be found in Men. But you will not see that." Dad turned away, but Boromir grabbed his arm and turned him so Dad was facing him. "You are afraid! All your life, you have hidden in the shadows!" With that, I was on my feet and at Dad's side. "Scared of who you are, of what you are."

I pushed Boromir off of my dad, "Boromir! Gwador!" I yelled. He looked at me, "stop, this isn't you." I had stepped in-between Boromir and Dad to keep them from fighting.

"I would not lead the ring within a hundred leagues of your city," dad said sternly. The rest of the night passed in a tense silence. I kept myself between Dad and Boromir, I knew full well that neither of them would hit me. The next morning we left at first light, only taking small bites of lembas bread. We boarded the boats a little after sunrise in the same groups as yesterday. Boromir kept glaring at my father and Legolas kept glancing at the shore like he saw something.

I knew what he was seeing but said nothing so I wouldn't scare the others. I soon lost track of time as we sailed down the river. We stopped around four that evening. "We cross the lake at nightfall, hide the boats and continue on foot. We approach Mordor from the North," Dad said walking up to us. Pippin and Gimli were sitting next to a fire; Merry was a short ways away collecting firewood. Sam was asleep against the ruminants of a wall. Legolas was looking into the woods.

"Oh, yes?! It's just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil? An impassable labyrinth of razor sharp rocks! And after that, it gets even better!" Gimli said using his stick to add emphasis. Pippin looked up from eating, alarmed. "Festering, stinking marshlands, far as the eye can see!"

"That is our road. I suggest you take some rest and recover your strength, Master Dwarf," Aragorn said surprisingly calm. At this point, I noticed that Frodo and Boromir were missing so I slipped away to go find them. The rest of the conversation fell silent to me as I tracked Boromir. He left boot prints in the soft soil while Frodo who had classic hobbit feet left hardly any trace at all. I walked for about five minutes when I heard Boromir.

"Why do you recoil, I am no thief."

"You are not yourself," Frodo said sternly. I started to run, this was about to go bad.

"Boromir!" I shouted running to stand in front of Frodo.

"I ask only for the strength to defend my people!" Boromir said throwing some wood to the ground. He stepped toward Frodo and I blocked. "If you but lend me the ring," Boromir asked extending his hand. I pushed Frodo behind me and glared at Boromir.

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