Chapter 24 Mordor

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A few days had passed since that battle and all the wounded had been treated. Theoden was among the fallen. The clean up was going to take weeks. The enemy was being burned which the smell was beyond awful. Eomer, Gandalf, Dad, Legolas, Gimli, and I were all in the throne room talking and we were all clean for the first time in who knows how long. I was also wearing a clean outfit.

I had a green shirt and leather corset

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I had a green shirt and leather corset. I had on a pair of my old jeans under them and my elven boots. I was probably the oddest dressed in the room but I didn't mind, I was comfortable. "Frodo has moved beyond my sight."

"If Sauron had the ring we would know it," dad replied.

"It's only a matter of time," Gandalf said glumly.

"Debbie downer," I replied. He looked at me. "You should have more faith in him."

"Let him stay there, let him rot. Why should we care?" Gimli asked removing his pipe from his mouth. I growled at him and rose from my seated position and glared at him.

"Because 10,000 orcs now stand between Frodo and Mt. Doom," Gandalf said walking away from the dwarf. Gimli huffed out an 'oh'.

Dad finally turned to face us, "no. He needs time and safe passage across the plains of Mordor. We can give him that." I came to stand next to him smiling.

"How?" Gimli asked confused.

"Draw out Sauron's army, empty his land, then we gather our full strength and march on the Black Gate." Gimli choked on his pipe as I nodded in agreement.

"A diversion," Legolas said looking at us.

"He'd never take the bait," Gandalf said.

"He will," I said.

"You do know that we can't win this?" Eomer said.

"Yes, but we can give Frodo his chance, give others in middle earth a chance," I replied. I left to change into something more suited for war and gather those that could fight. A lot of the fighters had been injured or killed. With what few were left we headed for Mordor, the leaders of their group on horses. Dad, Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, the hobbits, Eomer, and I all had horses. A few of us were in pairs.

We finally reached the Black Gate but it didn't open when we sat outside it. "Our group is too small to be seen as a threat," I said. Dad rode forward and I quickly followed with Legolas and Gimli, Gandalf and Pippin, Eomer and Merry on my tail.

Once dad stopped he called out to the dark lord and the gate opened to reveal an orc riding a horse that looked like it should be dead. The creature in front of us was disgusting, all we could see was his mouth. His teeth were yellowed and pointed. He bid us welcome and asked who had the authority to treat with him. Gandalf pretty much told him to fuck off. The creature then held up Frodo's mirthil shirt.

He threw it to Gandalf and went on and on about how the hobbit endured so much pain. I rolled my eyes as Merry and Pippin cried out and Gandalf told them to be quiet. "You're so full of shit." He turned to look at me.

"Oh the dragon, how many know?"

"Everyone now," I said. That's when dad rode forward.

"Oh, and who is this? Isildur's heir, it takes more to make a king than a broken Elvish blade." Dad cut off his head. He was finally silent.

"I do not believe it, I will not," Dad said turning to face. Well, we had Sauron's attention now. The gate opened further and thousands of orcs were coming at us. Their footsteps sounded like thunder. Oh shit. "Fall back, fall back," Dad called to us. As we rode back dad called to the men, "Hold your ground, hold your ground. Friends of Rohan, of Gondor, my brothers; I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of men fails when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day. An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the age of men comes crashing down, but it is not this day. This day we fight. By that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid that you stand men of the west." Everyone drew their swords and turned to face the threat with him.

We were quickly surrounded. One last battle, I looked over at Legolas, "In case we don't make it out of this," I said pulling him down to my height and I kissed him on the lips.

"I thought you knew what happened," he said smiling.

"I know what happens for everyone but me," I replied. His face fell slightly.

"I never thought I would die fighting side by side with an elf," Gimli said. I chuckled slightly.

"What about fighting side by side with a friend?" Legolas asked looking down at him.

"Aye, I could do that," Gimli said. As the orcs approached I could hear Sauron's voice and he was talking to dad. I ran forward to meet the orcs with Dad and the hobbits right behind me. I was pretty sure I heard Gimli say "Brave lass" before he joined in with the others. I was wearing the light armour of Gondor. As the battle went on I lost track of time and of my friends. There were so few of us and so many orcs. I faintly heard Legolas call for my dad but louder than his voice was the scream of the Nazgul.

Just what we needed. I didn't know how to transform or use my powers. I wasn't much help in that sense. "The eagles are comin'" I heard Pippin cry out as I was backed into a corner by a mountain troll.

"You'll e coming with me dragon," he said in his voice that was more of grunts. This one was somewhat intelligent, odd for a troll of Mordor. Odd for any troll really.

"I'd rather die."

"So be it," the troll replied as he raised his weapon, ready to deliver the final blow. I felt the earth shake below me and the troll turned around to look at the mountain. It was exploding. I felt my body changing, I wasn't sure what was happening to me suddenly the troll was very small. I must have changed into a dragon.

I was purple with some kind of pattern on my wings

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I was purple with some kind of pattern on my wings. I took to the air as the ground beneath me gave way. Huge flaming rocks came hurling from the mountain, taking out the Nazgul. I looked at Gandalf and took off toward the mountain.

Aragorn's POV

"What is she doing?" Legolas asked.

"She's going after the hobbits," Gandalf said getting on an eagle with another following him as he followed her into the ashen land. After a few minutes, they came back, each eagle carrying someone in their claws. As the eagles few ahead she stopped above us as if waiting.

"Go on, you go with them," I told her. She looked at all of us, especially at Legolas as though wanting his approval before flying off. As she flew a land bridge formed behind her so we could follow her home.

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