Chapter 13 Rohan

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A/N: This story is dedicated to @DarkenShadow_Angel for all the votes, commenting, and adding to their library. Thank you. 

The picture above is what Arathina looks like, only she doesn't wear a dress. She doesn't like them. She's never worn one in her life.

Chapter 13

The next morning we were at the borders of Rohan. "Théoden, king of Rohan, the land goes ill with the king. Be careful what you say, do not look for welcome here," Gandalf said spurring his horse onward. Legolas followed and dad followed him. The town was built upon a hillside and was fenced in. On the tallest hill sat the largest house. That must be where the king lived. As we approached the gate the banner of the city flew over the several foot high fence and landed beside my dad and I. It was beautiful; a beautiful white horse was running through the center, the background was black with purple and gold trim.

Dad looked at it confused. I tightened my grip on him trying to comfort him. He looked back at me and smiled slightly, but it didn't touch his eyes. We rode into the town and very few people were out and about for the time of day it was. The few that were out were dressed in black attire, as though grieving. "You'd find more cheer in a grave yard," Gimli said glancing around. I smirked slightly. We rode up to the bottom of the steps of the largest house here and dismounted, tying our horses to the hitching post.

We all walked up the steps and before we could reach the door we were stopped by armed guards, three of them. "Ah," Gandalf breathed.

"I cannot allow you before Théoden King so armed Gandalf Greyham, by the order of Grima Wormtongue," Hama said. Gandalf nodded to us and we started to remove our weapons. I, however, left Boromir's dagger hidden in my boot. I wasn't going to let that go, nor my pack which I had put back on my back. All that I owned was in that sack. To most people, it would just be a few clothes, a couple of books, a sketch pad and sketching supplies, and one toy. A toy that I had had ever since that I could remember. "Your staff," Hama said looking at Gandalf.

"Um, no you would not part an old from his walking stick." I did my best to hide a smirk and out of the corner of my eyes, I saw my dad doing the same. Hama nodded and stepped aside letting us in before taking the lead to lead us to the king. Gandalf leaned on Legolas for show. The other two guards closed the doors, and the hall fell dark. It was all in shadow, gloomy, dank. This seemed to be a place of dread. Hama bowed to the king before stepping aside. "The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened of late, Théoden king," Gandalf said walking forward, the rest of us flanking him.

Grima whispered something in Théoden's ear that I didn't quite catch. "Why should I welcome you Gandalf Stormcrow?" The king asked, but the voice was off. It sounded just like it did in the movies but there was something else. Gandalf let go of Legolas' arm and we spread out slowly.

"A just question my liege," Wormtongue said standing up. "Late is the hour that this company chooses to appear, dath spell I name you. Ill news is an ill guest." He was now in Gandalf's face.

"Be silent! Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth," Gandalf spat. "I haven't passed through fire and death to trade words with a witless worm," Gandalf said raising his staff to the face of Wormtongue.

Wormtongue instantly backed away, "his staff. I told you to take the wizard's staff!" The guards charged us and Gimli, Legolas, dad, and I fought them. I was easily taking two guards on. Dad knocked the guy out that was fighting him and came towards me but by the time he reached me I was done with those two. I ran passed him and took out a guy behind him by bringing my elbow into the bridge of his nose. Dad looked at me impressed as Legolas did the same as I had done to a guard and Gimli pinned Wormtongue.

"I'd stay still if I were you," Gimli growled. During the whole fight, Gandalf was speaking to the king but I hadn't paid attention. I was more focused on the fight.

"Harken to me," Gandalf ordered. The king looked at him, "I release you from this spell."

The king started to laugh. "You have no power here Gandalf the grey." Gandalf flung his gray cloak off that covered his white robes. The robes seemed to glow with brightness in the dark room. The king stopped laughing and jumped back into his throne, as though trying to disappear.

"I will draw you Saruman like poison is drawn from a wound," Gandalf said using his staff to slam the king back into his chair, his head hitting the back.

"Rohan is mine," Saruman said leaning forward, resisting Gandalf's power.

Gandalf slammed his head into the back of his chair, "You did not kill me, you will not kill him."

Suddenly a girl with long blonde hair and a white dress ran into the room. Dad stopped her, "Wait," dad whispered to her. Éowyn. She looked at him then back at the king, her uncle. After a few more moments the king was free and his niece was at his side. I sat down at a table and lost track of time, just thinking.

Aragorn's POV

Grima had just been thrown out of town and I had saved his life. Afterward, we came back into the hall and my daughter was sitting at the table where she had been when we left. I couldn't imagine what she was feeling. She knew how this tale would end, who would die, and there was nothing she could do to change it, nor could she tell us because it could change how this tale ended. I sat down next to her and she didn't show any sign of noticing me. She picked at her nails, completely in her own thoughts.

I put my arm around her shoulders and she didn't look up. "I'm sorry," I said to her.

"For what?" she asked.

"For losing your brother, for having given you up, for you knowing how this is going to end and not being able to say anything or do anything to change it, especially for those who are going to die."

She turned into me and hugged me as she cried. I wrapped my arms around her and stroked her hair. Her hair and clothes were caked in dirt and grime. She had survived so much already. Her back was covered in scars. And now war was coming, and Rohan didn't have enough warriors. Grima had exiled them, and if my daughter was anything like me or her mother she would fight.

I joined in the conversation Gandalf was having with the king, "Open war is upon you, whether you risk or not."

"When last I looked Théoden, not Aragorn was king of Rohan," Théoden snapped.

"Then what is the King's decision?" Gandalf asked.

"We go to Helms Deep, today," Théoden said.

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