Chapter 25 The Crowning

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A/N: This story is almost done, hope you've enjoyed.

The war at Mordor was won, Frodo and Sam were in the healing houses recovering. Everyone else was trying to rebuild the city. I was using my abilities to help with the rebuild. I could lift rock that was far to heavy for anyone else. After a few weeks, the rebuild was done, the hobbits were up and about, the four of them up to old habits, and Gandalf wanted to crown us.

So I found myself having my first fight with dad, "I'm not wearing a dress!"

"It's custom. I have to wear nice things too."

"But pants all the same. Dresses mean something bad is going to happen! I'm not wearing it."

"No one here will hurt you, they all want to protect you," dad persisted.

"I'm not wearing a dress," I said getting more annoyed with the situation. I was currently dressed in the light armour of Gondor and my elven boots, my hair in a braid. "The men know who I am, I don't need a dress to let the people know I'm their princess." I didn't see what was wrong with my attire, dad got to wear his armour to be crowned king, why shouldn't I?

"It isn't custom," he said.

"It also isn't custom for women to fight as I have done. Time for customs to change," I said. Eowyn knew that too. "Men and women are equal, if I have to wear a dress then you should as well." With that, I walked away.

Aragorn's POV

My daughter was stubborn just like her mother. She had told me people hurt her when she was in a dress but she never said how they hurt her. I suppose she told Boromir. Just then Legolas came into the room. "She won't wear the dress." He stated it, not questioned.

"Why?" I asked.

"When I first met her, her caretaker wanted to teach her the ways of pleasing men. That's how he put it anyway. My guess it wasn't the first time he'd made advances," Legolas replied. Needless to say, I was beyond furious.

"He did what?" Legolas remained silent. That explained a lot about her behavior. She didn't like being touched most of the time, she didn't like men like how Boromir was when she first met him. I was sure she wouldn't like Legolas' father or Boromir's.

"It's time," Gimli said coming into the room. He would be giving us the crowns. 

"Where is my daughter?" I asked.

"She is already out there," Gimli answered as Legolas left.

~Time SKip~

Gandalf was placing the crown on our heads as we kneeled in front of him. "Now come the days of the King and Princess, may they be blessed." The crowd clapped as we both stood and face them. A/N: Arathina's crown below

"This day does not belong to one man, but to all. Let us together rebuild this world that we may share in the days of peace."

Arathina's POV

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Arathina's POV

My dad started to sing in elvish "Et Eärello Endorenna utúlien

Sinome maruvan ar Hildinyar tenn'

My mind easily translated, "Out of the Great Sea to Middle-earth I am come

In this place will I abide, and my heirs
Unto the ending of the world." 

As we walked through the crowd greeting our people I saw Faramir with Eowyn and smiled. The two would be good together. Dad greeted Legolas who I was starting to crush on. I smiled at the blonde elf as he gestured behind him. Behind him was Lord Elrond, but with him was a female with long dark hair, pale skin, and gray eyes. I knew who she was by the way dad looked at her.

"Mom," I said as dad kissed her. She was wearing a beautiful green dress and a headdress to go with it. She laughed as she greeted us. As a group, we came up to the hobbits and they bowed to us. I shook my head and bowed to them. "You bow to no one," I said. Everyone followed my actions and bowed to the hobbits. It was them that were responsible for the destruction of the ring.

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