Chapter 21 Denethor

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A/N: OMG! I'm so sorry for the long wait. I've been busy. I've finished up other stories. This one is close to done, let's see if I can get it done before I go back to school. Hope you enjoy!

Gandalf had us all in the Golden Hall telling everyone what had happened last night. "We've been strangely fortunate. Pippin saw in the Palantir a glimpse of the enemy's plan. He moves to strike the city of Minas Tirith." Gandalf went on about how Rohan must come to Gondor's aide.

"Tell me, why should we ride to the aide of those who did not come to ours? What do we owe Gondor?" Theodon asked.

"More than you know," I spoke up. "Time to swallow your pride."

"Arathina, I would like you to come to Gondor with us," Gandalf said.

"You know full well that Denethor will see me knowing the future as being a witch and have me burned at the stake. What little that was left of that man's mind left with the death of his eldest son." Before Gandalf could ask I said, "yes, he knows. We sent Boromir down the Auduin, he would have passed Gondor cities." I wiped at the tears.

"What else does he know?" Gandalf asked.

I looked over at my father for a moment, "He knows about dad and he won't give up the throne easily. The power has gone to his head."

"I'll go," dad said.

"NO!" Gandalf and I said.

"They must be warned," he argued.

"They will be," Gandalf said. He whispered something to my dad. "Things are now in motion that can't be undone. I ride for Minas Tirith and I won't be going alone." He looked right at Pippin. "Pack your bags Arathrina, the soldiers will listen to their princess."

"This is going to be hell," I said heading to my shared room. I quickly packed and dressed and went to the stables. I put on a bitless bridle and got on bareback. It would be faster to travel that way.

I said my goodbyes and I followed Gandalf out. We rode well into the night and we didn't stop even when the sun rose the next day. I thought we would stop to give our horses a break but we kept going. We rode into the next night and Pippin once more slept while we rode. This was tiring and boring. At dawn the next day we finally arrived. We stabled our horses and went up several flights of stairs.

Gandalf went on and on about Denethor. "Keep our mouths shut and say nothing about anything," I said rolling my eyes. Gandalf walked us in and addressed the caretaker of the throne who was to busy with the object in his hands, Boromir's horn.

I tuned out of the conservation, not wanting to relive Boromir's death. Pippin stepped forward and I picked him up, "Excuse us for a moment, my lord." I took Pippin to the side. "Do you understand what offering your service entails?"

He shook his head. Of course, he didn't. "It means he can put you on the front line for battle if he isn't satisfied with your duties. He can make you empty his chamber pot, cook for him, stand guard, even order you to end your life. The man is insane. Think carefully before you enter into a contract with him."

"You know what he's going to make me do, how much danger am I going to be in from him?"

"He won't physically hurt you," I replied walking back in. There was still reason to fear the man. I worried more for his remaining son. Pippin pledged his service which Gandalf was less than pleased about. I left to talk to the soldiers, to see if any of them would follow my command. Some of the older guards and soldiers recognized my family's bearing. They spread the word of who I was and kept it from Denethor. By tomorrow afternoon I would have the Gondor army and the beacons would be lit.

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