Chapter 11 The White Wizard

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Chapter 11

I helped Gimli on to the big white horse which Legolas also rode. I climbed onto the brown horse behind my dad. We rode to the pile and everyone started looking for their bodies but I headed into the forest. "Arathina, where are you going?" Legolas asked.

"They're in there," I said and I walked into the forest not waiting for the others.

"Arathina!" Legolas called. I ignored him and continued walking. I heard three sets of footsteps following me. "Arathina," I heard Legolas call again. I kept walking.

"These are strange tracks," my dad said.

"The air is so close in here," Gimli said. I continued to walk further into the woods. I heard Gimli spit, "Orc blood." I led on before Legolas took the lead.

He spoke in elvish, "Aragorn something's out there."

Dad approached him, "What do you see?" dad asked in elvish.

"The white wizard approaches," Legolas said switching back to the common tongue.

"Is he a threat?" Dad asked.

"No," I said. Suddenly there was a blinding white light. Everyone covered their face.

"You are tracking the footsteps of two young hobbits," The voice belonged to Gandalf but it sounded like it belonged to another.

"Where are they?" dad asked.

"They are safe; they passed this way day before yesterday. They met someone they did not expect. Does that comfort you?"

"Who are you? Show yourself!" Dad yelled. The light dimmed and Gandalf the white stood before us. "It cannot be, you fell," dad said in disbelief.

"Through fire and water, from the lowest dungeons to the highest peak I fought the Balrog. Finally, I smote his ruin upon the mountainside and I passed out of thought and time. Stars wheeled overhead, I was sent back until my task is complete."

"Gandalf," my dad said approaching him.

"Gandalf?" the wizard asked confused for a moment. "Yes, that is what they used to call me. Gandalf the gray. That was my name."

"Gandalf," Gimli said happy. Legolas smiled. I couldn't smile right now. I had just lost a friend and a brother and now two of my friends were missing. The other two walking towards Mordor. Gandalf moved off into the forest.

"One part of your journey is over another begins. We must make for Edoras with all speed," Gandalf said.

"Edoras, that is no short distance," Gimli exclaimed.

"We heard of ill news from Rohan, it goes ill with the king," dad said,

"Yes and it will not be easily cured," Gandalf said. I tuned out. Right now I didn't really care. A sudden sharp whistle brought me out of my thoughts. We were now outside of Fangorn forest, the sun was shining down on the rolling golden hills. Our two horses stood there waiting for us. Gandalf whistled again and a whiny broke the silence. A beautiful white stallion ran towards us.

"That is one of the mæres unless my eyes are cheated by some spell," Legolas said. I swung up onto Huesful, taking the reins. Dad swung on behind me.

The white stallion approached Gandalf. "Shadowfax, he is the lord of all horses and has been my friend through many dangers." Everyone else mounted their steeds and we were off.

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