Chapter 18 Look to the East

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A/N: So sorry for the long wait. I've been caught up in other things and I will be going to dog grooming school very soon. SOrry that this is so short. I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 18

A short time later we were out on the wall joined by the elves of Lórien. It was so quiet and still, it was deafening. Clouds built in the sky making it darker than it should have been as lightning streaked across it. Thunder rolled across the plains, shaking the ground and vibrating the stone walls that we stood on as if warning us of what was coming. I couldn't make out anything in the distance but I could hear a thumping of something drawing near.

I knew war was just moments away. Dad was walking among us. "Your friends are with you Aragorn," Legolas said as lightning lit up the place showing thousands of uruks coming into the valley.

"Let's hope they last the night," Gimli said. I was standing calmly. I knew we were going to win this fight; the only question was if I would come out of it. Soon enough the army stopped in front of us and the heavens opened up. Dad started giving orders in elvish and his voice easily carried over the rocks. When ordered to get ready to fire an arrow was released prematurely. Dad told us to wait as the Uruk fell dead. With that, the war began.

Arrows flew, screams pierced the night, swords hit each other sounding like bells ringing. Eventually, I lost track of time. I barely even noticed the bomb go off across from me I was so focused on what was happening around me. "Pull back! Pull back! Pull back to the keep!" I heard a voice call. I was just above the doors so I just jumped down and ran in. I started to help shore up the door that was being broken down. It wasn't long before Legolas was at my side helping me and I could hear my dad talking to the king about getting the women out of the caves.

I now knew that the fifth day was approaching, Gandalf would be here with back up. "Ride out with us," I said walking up to the king.

"What?" he asked.

"Ride out and meet them," dad said as the sun shone through the window.

"For death and glory," the king replied.

"For Rohan," I said stepping forward.

"For your people," dad finished.

The king hesitated for a moment, "Yes, yes. The horn in Helmhammer hand shall sound in the deep one last time." Gimli cheered and ran off to sound the horn as the rest of us mounted our horses. We charged the orcs, just running them over and cutting them down, like a lawnmower. Once outside Gandalf appeared on top of a hill with Éomer, the sun behind them. They were going to blind the orcs. Things ended quickly. We had won. Now we could go get Merry and Pippin.

"Dad," I called moving through the crowd. I knew he was alive, I just wanted to let him know I was okay.

"Oh Arathina, thank heavens, you're safe."

"Did you doubt me?" I asked. While I had no formal training I had faired rather well.

"I was just worried, now go find Legolas; I think he's rather fond of you." I smiled and hugged my dad before running off.

Where do I belong? A Legolas Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now