Chapter 15 Wargs

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A/N: The song above is the song Aragorn sings to Arathina. This chapter is dedicated to rubies_gem for voting. Thank you to everyone who has voted, commented, shared, added to the reading lists/library. Sorry for the long wait. This chapter is short but it isn't the story I'm working on at the moment. I will try to update a little more often but with work I can't make any promises. Hope you enjoy!

Chapter 15

Later that night I couldn't sleep so I went to find my father. I found him leaning up against a boulder smoking his pipe. He seemed to be in deep thought. "Dad?" I asked approaching him. He looked up at me, "I can't sleep, would you sing to me?" I asked slightly embarrassed by the question. I was 18 and I still needed my dad to sing to me.

"Sure come here," he said gently. I put my head in his lap and curled up, pulling my blanket closer to me. After I was comfortable he stroked my hair as he sang.

"Wandering child of the earth
Do you know just how much you're worth?
You have walked this path since your birth
You were destined for more
There are those who'll tell you you're wrong
They will try to to silence your song
But right here is where you belong
So don't search anymore
You are the dawn of a new day that's waking
A masterpiece still in the making
The blue in an ocean of grey
You are right where you need to be
Poised to inspire and to succeed
You'll look back and you'll realize one day
In your eyes there is doubt
As you try to figure it out
But that's not what life is about
So have faith there's a way
Though the world may try to define you
It can't take the light that's inside you
So don't you dare try to hide
Let your fears fade away
You are the dawn of a new day that's waking
A masterpiece still in the making
The blue in an ocean of grey
You are right where you need to be
Poised to inspire and to succeed
You'll look back and you'll realize one day
You are the dawn of a new day that's waking
A masterpiece still in the making
The blue in an ocean of grey
You are right where you need to be
Poised to inspire and to succeed
Soon you'll finally find your own way."

His voice was so soothing that I quickly fell asleep. The next morning I woke to a light shaking. "We have to go sweetie," I heard my dad say. I slowly stretched and wiped the sleep out of my eyes before sitting up. The first part of the morning passed peacefully with everyone traveling in the sun. I rode next to Legolas before we went to walk at the front. I think that elf was trying to hit on me and I think I liked it. He was what I was used to calling eye candy.

Suddenly I heard a scream and turned to see my dad running back towards us, "wargs! We're under attack!"

"All riders to the head of the column!" King Théoden called. I pushed my horse through the crowd and up next to the king pulling out my bow and loading an arrow into it. My dad was soon by my side as we charged into the fray of 30 or so wargs and orcs. As we charged I fired arrow after arrow into the orcs. I had to draw my blade to take care of the wargs. I was aware of Gimli falling off of his horse but I knew he would be fine. I was more worried about my father.

I knew he would be fine, but I was trying to keep that in mind so that I would live long enough to hopefully see my mother. The battle died down quickly and we all started looking around, dad was missing. "Aragorn!" Legolas called.

Nothing, "Aragorn!" Gimli called.

"Dad!" I called even though I knew he wouldn't answer. I walked to the edge of the cliff and studied the ground. Sliding paw prints and drag marks. Both the warg and dad had gone over the edge. I heard an orc chuckling. Legolas left my side and went over to him as Gimli held his axe over the orc's throat.

"Tell me what happened and I will ease your passing."

"He's dead, took a little tumble off the cliff," the orc chuckled as he choked.

Legolas grabbed his front and lifted him off the ground, "You lie!" The orc laughed before dying. Legolas pulled out his Evenstar out of his hand and ran to the cliff. I joined Legolas in looking at the river far below us.

"He'll be fine Legolas," I said looking at the rapid moving water. How he was lucky enough to survive that fall I wasn't sure. "He'll come back to us," I said putting my arm around him as he continued to look at the water below.

"Get the wounded on horses, the wolves of Isengard will return, leave the dead," Théoden said putting his sword away. Legolas snapped his attention to the king, shocked at his orders. Théoden put his hand on Legolas' shoulder in comfort, "come," he said before walking away. I turned away from the cliff hoping I was right. I swung up onto my horse after getting Gimli on his. Legolas swung on in front of him moments later. We made fast for Helms Deep, war would be coming soon.

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