Chapter 16 He's Alive

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait. I have writer's block for this and still do. I also apologize for this chapter being so short. This chapter is dedicated to rubies_gems for asking for another chapter and saying she loved this story. Thank you so much.

Chapter 16

I remained silent the whole ride over there. "Arathina," Legolas said as I led my horse to the stables after we arrived at Helms Deep. I had been whispering to my horse, Veryameathon Arbellason. "Arathina," Legolas said again coming into my stable.

"What is it Legolas?" I asked continuing to brush my horse.

"Did he survive? You know what happens, is he coming back?"

"I hope so Legolas and I really would like to tell you how everything happens, but I'm afraid that if I do that then things will not work out and evil will still reign." I moved to my horse's tack and sat on a bucket while I cleaned it. Veryameathon Arbellason munched happily at his food.

"Are you going to fight?" Legolas asked sitting on another bucket across from me.

"Of course," I said looking up at him. He looked worried and like he was about to tell me no. "I've been training myself since I was a kid for this. I'm not sitting out of this fight."

"We could all die tonight," Legolas said.

"Then I will die fighting side by side with my friends, the only family I've ever known," I said strongly. I was usually a soft-spoken person. Legolas looked like he was about to argue. "I will no longer cower in fear Legolas. I'm tired of other living beings trying to control me and using fear to do it. I'm going to do the right thing and fight for my freedom, just as you are going to fight for yours." He nodded.

"I have no problem with you fighting, but if your dad comes back, what is he going to say?"

"In the world, I grew up in I'm already an adult and can go to war and I've been training longer than they have. I'll understand that he's worried about me but I'm still going to fight. I've been in a few short-lived battles with you guys already."

"So you're saying that you're going to fight even if he doesn't want you to?" Legolas asked.

"That's exactly what I'm saying," I said hanging my horse's saddle on the wall of his stall. I then picked up the bucket I had been sitting on and left. I would like to get cleaned up. I had been put in a room with Éowyn. And that was exactly what I did, get cleaned up and put some clean clothes on. I knew they wouldn't stay clean for long but I felt a lot better at any rate and I took a short rest before I heard shouting.

"He's alive!" Well, nap time was over. I didn't know when I would get to sleep next. War was coming and my dad was back. Just as I left my room I heard another shout.

"Get out of the way, I'm gonna kill him!" I smirked at Gimli's comment.

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