Chapter 17 Prepare for Battle

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait. I've been working on other stories and I've also been dealing with depression. I've been feeling better recently. This chapter is short, sorry about that. I had almost forgotten about this story till someone added it to their library today. So thank you to edwardilovebella. This is a continuation of the last chapter.

Chapter 17

I went down to the open circle where the townspeople were gathered and saw my dad and Gimli. "I wondered when I'd be seeing you again," I said coming over to him and giving him a hug.

"Where is the king?" Dad asked returning the hug.

"In the Great Hall, I'll take you to him," I said leading the way. I very easily made my way through this stone maze where everything looked exactly the same and found my way blocked by the elf.

"You're late," he said in elvish to my father. I smiled, guessing it was some kind of joke between the two. My dad smiled and laughed. Legolas handed over my mom's necklace and dad thanked him. With that, we went to the king. Dad just pushed the huge wooden doors open.

"A great host is coming this way, war is coming," dad said to the king.

"A great host you say, how many?"

"Ten thousand strong at least," dad answered.

"Ten thousand?" the king asked shocked.

"It is an army bred for a single purpose, to destroy the world of men," dad answered. Rohan had about five hundred people, three hundred were male, all the soldiers had been exiled, leaving those that were too young or too old to fight. The men here were farmers, stable boys, gardeners, farriers, horse trainers, and hunters. These weren't warriors. "They will be here by nightfall."

"Let them come," Théoden said walking out of the room and he, dad, Legolas, Gimli, and I started walking along the wall as what remained of the guard made preparations. Théoden was certainly making a good talk. I tuned him out, a good talk wasn't going to be much help, besides, I had his whole speech memorized.

"They do not come to destroy Rohan's crops or villages, they come to destroy its people, down to the last child," my dad said annoyed. Théoden completely went off on my dad and I rolled my eyes. Testosterone spill on aisle four. I walked away to go get myself ready for battle, I wasn't going to listen to this argument or listen to Éowyn beg to fight by our side. I may be fighting but I had no sway over the king. Thankfully Galadriel had given me what I needed for battle.

I don't know how much time passed before someone knocked on my door. "Enter," I said struggling to get my leather corset on.

My dad came in, "Legolas said you were going to fight."

"Yeah, could you help me with this confounded thing?" I asked still trying to tie the corset so I could have some protection at my waist.

"Sure," dad said coming over and helping me suit up. "Why do you want to fight?"

"This is my home, where my family is. Why shouldn't I fight for those things, the two things that everyone holds most dear," I answered.

"I can see your point and I know that in the world you grew up in you are considered an adult. I may not like this, but you're an adult. I'll support your decision, just promise me you'll be careful."

"I will dad. Thanks," I said hugging him.

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