Chapter 8 Gifts from the Lady of Light

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Chapter Eight

The next morning I awoke to be taken down to the river to bathe. The river had a natural hot spring keeping it warm, for which I was thankful. At different points along the river I could see the others bathing in the low morning light. As I was drying off another elf came by carrying some clothes and some elven boots. "These are for you, from the Lady Galadriel."

"Thank you," I said bowing slightly and taking them from her. I quickly got dressed and washed my other clothes which dried surprisingly fast. I put them back in my pack and the looked at my reflection in the water. My long dark hair was clean and wavy because it was wet. My bright blue eyes had a light in them that I thought I would never see again. Whether it was there because I was home or because I had finally told someone what I had been through I don't know, but I knew I looked better with it there. I now wore a long sleeved shirt with a short sleeved tunic over it and a leather corset that hugged my waist, offering some protection. My pants were tucked inside the dark soft leather of my new boots.

My clothes were dark greens and a pale purple for the long sleeved shirt. They were quite comfortable. I then pulled out my brush and dealt with my hair. After it was braided I went back to where I had slept the night before. "You certainly look better," Legolas said.

"A bath can do wonders," I replied smiling. I had my pack on my back with my water containers refilled.

"You have finally decided to join us, good come along," Haldir said.

"Good morning to you too Haldir," I said smiling and following him. He led us to a small table by the river that was laden with all sorts of good things. I licked my lips slightly. I sat down between Boromir and Aragorn. Legolas sat across from me as did the hobbits, Gimli sat next to dad. We ate for the most part in silence, wondering what we were to do next. After breakfast Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn came down to bid us farewell and give us a few gifts.

As we all stood in a line grey cloaks with a Lórien brooch were clasped around our shoulders. "Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people. May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes," Celeborn said.

Galadriel stepped into view carrying a beautiful bow. I stared at it in awe. I already had one, but not as beautiful as this. "My gift to you Legolas is a bow of the Galadhrim, worthy of the skill of our woodland kin." Legolas took the bow and fingered it with reverence and awe. He pulled back the bow string, testing it. Lady Galadriel just smiled. I was next in line and was curious as to what she would give me. "My gift to you Arathina, daughter of Arwen and Aragorn is a quiver that will never run out of arrows and a sword of mithril. The sword also has twin daggers that will glow blue when orcs or goblins are near. Use these wisely as one day they could save your life."

"Thank you my lady," I said bowing taking these things from her. Legolas helped me get the quiver strapped onto my back over my cape and the place my pack over my quiver. This would help conceal it from unfriendly eyes or eyes that thought a woman had no place using such weapons. I quickly put on my belt that the daggers were already in and tied the sword securely with some help from Legolas. "Hannon le Legolas," I said.

She turned to Merry and Pippin, "These are the daggers of the Noldorin. They have already seen service in war." Pippin looked at his dagger, fear on his face. "Do not fear, young Peregrin Took. You will find your courage." Galadriel continuing said, "And for you, Samwise Gamgee: Elven rope, made of hithlain."

Sam took the rope and replied, "Thank you, my lady." He looked sidelong at the blades held by Merry and Pippin, then looked up hopefully. "Have you run out of those nice, shiny daggers?" The Lady of the Galadhrim smiled, and turned to the next Fellowship member in line. It was Gimli, who diverted his eyes downwards. Galadriel spoke, her golden hair shining beneath the poignant blues and whites and greens of the forest.

Galadriel asked, "And what gift would a Dwarf ask of the Elves?"

Gimli grunting replied, "Nothing."  He started to walk away then suddenly he turned back to face her and he looked up, "Except to look upon the Lady of the Galadhrim one last time, for she is more fair than all the jewels beneath the earth." Galadriel giggled, smiling at the Dwarf clearly flattered. He turned as if to walk away, then froze in his tracks and turned back. "Actually, there was one thing -- ah, agh, that's quite impossible. Stupid to ask." He ended up asking for a strand of hair from her golden head. She gave him three. She gave Frodo the light of their most beloved star.

It was to be a light for him when all other lights went out. I knew he would need it later, when he was in a very dark place. She then pulled my dad and I aside a little. I guess to have a more private conversation. Galadriel stood before Aragorn and placed her hand on Arwen's Evenstar pendant.

 "I have nothing greater to give, than the gift you already bear. Am meleth dîn. I ant e-guil Arwen Undómiel...pelitha." (For her love, I fear the grace of Arwen Evenstar...will diminish.) The two shared a sorrow in their eyes. I looked between them confused. Did that mean my mother was going to die? Would I get to meet her before then?

Aragorn replied, "Aníron i e broniatha ar periatham amar hen. Aníron e ciratha a Valannor." (I would have her leave these shores, and be with her people...I would have her...take the ship to Valinor.) So did that mean I would never meet her?!

Galadriel replied, "That choice is yet before her. You have your own choice to make, rise above the height of all your fathers since the days of Elendil," her voice deepened ominously, "or to fall into darkness...with all that is left of your kin." For a moment there was silence. Branches shook a spider web's glimmering strands swayed in the wind. Galadriel glanced at the pendant, and smiled. Galadriel continued, "Namárië. (Farewell.) Nadath nâ i moe cerich. (There is much you have yet to do.)"She looked into Aragorn's eyes, with both sorrow and joy dancing in her own, "Dan...ú-'eveditham, Elessar. (We shall not meet again, Elessar.)"

She looked at me, "Fear not Arathina, you will meet your mother. Namárië, Dan...ú-'eveditham." I looked at her sadly. I didn't know what to say so I just leaned into dad. "Make sure that you and your companions never lose hope," she said.

I nodded, "I will." With that Celeborn asked to speak to Aragorn.

"Go to the boats Arathina, help Legolas load everyone in. I'll be there shortly," dad said before walking off. I watched for a moment before doing as I was told.

Legolas was putting packs into the boats. He apparently saw something in one because he pulled something out. "Lembas! Elvish way bread," he said excitedly to Merry and Pippin. He took a small bite before putting the package away. "One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grown man." He then left to go get more packs of supplies.

"How many did you eat?" Merry asked Pippin.

Unashamedly Pippin replied, "Four." He then burped. I guess the bread was good. I walked over to Legolas and grabbed a couple packs and followed him to the boats. He set his bags down before taking the two I was carrying.

"Would you like me to take your pack as well?" Legolas asked. I shook my head. In my pack I carried the only things I owned, it was all I had. This resulted in me being a little over protective of it. I once again noticed Boromir was on his own. I walked over to him, worried.

"Gwador?" I asked. He turned to look at me before looking away. "What's wrong?" He didn't answer. I waited for one and went it became obvious that I wasn't going to get one I spoke again, "I worry about you Boromir and I care about you. If you want to talk about whatever is bothering you I won't be far away." I then walked back to the boats where my dad had rejoined us.

Legolas was helping Merry and Pippin into one of the boats. Sam climbed into one as though he was not used to boats. I walked over to Gimli and helped him in, I then helped Frodo get in the boat with Sam. "Thanks Arathina," Frodo said.

"You're welcome Frodo," I said. Boromir had now joined us and climbed into the boat with Merry and Pippin. Dad got in with Frodo and Sam. I took the last boat and sat behind Gimli and Legolas sat behind me. We left Lórien, and would probably never see it again. At least not with all the elves here, they would leave Middle earth. 

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