Chapter 7

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Today I'm meeting up with Sirius with the help of Regulus. Last night I got another letter from Sirius to meet at the Three Broom Sticks so that's where we are meeting at now.

I've been sitting here for at least ten minutes now. Regulus had to go do something while I talked to Sirius so it's give me some time but he better hurry cause I don't have all day for this.

Hope turned her humanity off and we need to turn it back on. Klaus and Hayley have tracked her down so now it's just the matter of turning it on. Klaus Hayley and Elijah did die but with the help of Azalea Freya and Davina we were able to succeed and resurrect them.

I heard the door open but didn't bother to look up to busy looking at a baby picture of Hope. Hope is only a month older than Azalea. Hope and Azalea don't really get along more Azalea doesn't like Hope.

Someone cleared their throat as I looked up and saw Sirius. "Sirius sit I don't have all day for this." I told him as he nodded his head and sat down. "So tell me what's wrong." I asked him. "I'm sorry for not believing you when you came to me telling me you we're pregnant. I didn't think it was true because so many girls I've slept with all said the same thing.

At the same time I was stuck between sexuality's now I'm married and have a son with my husband. But that's no excuse now I know why my brother was always busy." Sirius told me as I gave him a smile. We heard laughter as the door opened. That laugh sounds familiar.

I turned and saw Azalea. "She's sad now oh god." Azalea said in between laughs. "I thought the this was for adults only." I asked him. "Sometimes but the older kids come in." Sirius said. "Is that her." He asked pointing to the picture. "No it's my niece Azalea's is in my bag." I said putting away Hopes and grabbing Azaleas picture handing it to him.

"Regulus said she's exactly like you when you we're younger rebellious attitude." I said as he chuckled. "That sounds like me." Sirius said. "He also said she looks like you she has the Black eyes and high cheekbones his words not mine." I told him also trying to listen in on Azaleas attention.

"So I guess like now that my uncles and aunt is alive again I'll get to see them but as of right now their looking for my attention seeking cousin who decided to turn it off." She said. "Excuse me." I said getting up walking over to her. "Azalea let's go now." I said grabbing her arm not giving her a choice to come with.

We walked into an alleyway. "Why are you talking about Hope like that's very rude to." I told her as she rolled her eyes.


My mom is defending her. "But you didn't tell her anything when she made fun of my weight or my eyes I think that was very rude of her." I told my mom. "She was just joking." My mom said defending her like always.

"I didn't find the joke funny mom I wasn't laughing it was mean of her to do it I don't know why you keep defending her." I told my mom. "She's had a hard life." My mom said. "We grew up together mom everything she experienced I did as well your acting like I don't exist mom." I told her.

"I'm going to my friends don't bother sending me a letter this year." I told her walking back inside over to the group. "Wanna go." Draco asked as I nodded my head. We quickly walked out and back to the castle. It was just gonna be me but they all insisted on coming with.

I laid down on Draco's bed not bothering to share it with him even if it's his end. Him and Matteo share a dorm together. "What'd your mom say now." I heard Lorenzo say. "Mad at me for talking about Hope you know she had the audacity to say she's had a hard life.

Like I didn't grow up with Hope. Her parents died ok i understand but we brought them back for her I didn't even get a choice if I wanted to help I just got dragged into it. Everything that happened to Hope also happened to me. My mom left when I was five then didn't come back till a couple months ago I had to stay Regulus until now that's she back and still takes Hope's side.

My dad isn't even in the picture and my mom won't tell me who it is. Neither will my uncles or aunts. Hope has both of her parents I only have my mom and Hope takes her away most of the time it's like me going and taking her parents away." I said as I just now realized I was crying.

I wiped them away. "I don't even know why I'm crying for it's stupid." I said. "It's okay Azzy." Theo told me giving me a hug from the side. "Draco I'm sleeping in your bed." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear. "I figured Nott move if she's laying in my bed I'm laying next to her." Draco said as I smiled.


Rebekah came back grabbing her bag. "When can I tell her." I told her. "During Christmas break come over or we'll go over and we can tell her." Rebekah said handing me an address. "My address I must go now." She said before walking out with Regulus.

I get to tell her soon great I'm so not prepared. "I'm gonna need a fire whiskey please." I said as the bartender nodded his head.

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