Chapter 16

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Oh god. My daughter hates me. I quickly went after her even if it means going to the Malfoy Manor. I walked in and saw my cousin sitting on the couch with a newspaper in her hand. "She's in the back." Narcissa told me not looking up. "Don't screw up she's been wanting her father for a long time now. If you screw up just know I'll send Bellatrix after you.

Azalea is like my daughter as well I helped Regulus raise her when her mother wasn't their. So if you screw up or a single tear from her eye cause of you I will send my dear sister after you." She said looking up. "Go she's alone it's warning Sirius and I'm serious about my threats when it comes to my kids." She said as I walked out back and saw her sitting on the floor.

I went and sat down next to her. "Did you not want me." That was the first thing that came out her mouth and I felt like I just been stabbed hearing that from her. "It's not like that Azalea." I told her. "So what then you left me to go start a new family." She said as I can tell she had tears rolling down her cheeks.

It was a bit cold out and she didn't have a sweater on. I took mine off and covering her with it as she looked up at me with red tear covered cheeks. "No not like that either." I told her. "Then what." She said. "When your mom came to me telling me she was pregnant I didn't believe her because I will be honest with you. I was a man whore I slept around a lot and lots of woman came telling me they were pregnant with my child and at the same time I was questioning my sexuality that doesn't mean nothing.

But I didn't believe your mom and I regret not believing her cause I missed the chance to raise you and I regret if I could I would go back and fix my mess I made. Now it's to late but I hope theirs still some part of you that will let me be your dad. It'll be weird and awkward at first but that's when we get to know each other and what we like. I'd love to be your dad Azalea I just hope you want me to be your dad."

I told her as she didn't say anything. "Did you know what my mom was gonna do with my aunt." She asked as I shook my head. "No I thought it was just gonna be us three." I told her as she gave me a nod. "Put it on correctly it's cold out." I told her as she did.

"I won't push you if you don't want me too then fine but I'm still gonna be in your life cause your my daughter and if you do you won't regret it sometimes yes ask the others they regret me sometimes too." I said making her laugh a bit. "I do want you to be my dad I really do. I just don't want to be second choice and I don't want you to have to pick between me or Teddy Enzo and Hope I don't want to do that to them I don't want to take away their dad." She told me.

"You won't because their excited to have you as their sister. Hope keeps asking me when I'm gonna tell you. Teddy and Enzo already plan on keeping all the boys away from you and they ask every day if you know yet. So you won't take me away from them if anything you'll probably bring us more closer together and Remus don't mind Remus he's adores you." I told her as she nodded her head. "I like Hope she's my favorite Hope she's super nice." She said as I smiled.

"Yeah she took after Remus a bit just hope she doesn't go through his hoe phase yeah we'll talk about that later." I told her as she giggled. "Want to go to your mom." I asked her as he shook her head. "Want to go see them." I asked as she thought about it. After a minute of silence she nodded her head. "Yeah." She said as I got up and helped her up.

"Come on." I told her holding my hand out as she took it. We walked inside over to my cousin. "I'm gonna take her." I told Narcissa as she nodded her head. "You know where I'm at when you want to come by you better come by." She told Azalea making her nod her head. "Tell Dray I left and I'll send him a letter." Azalea said as she nodded her head.

We then left to mine and Remus home where our kids are waiting for me to come back. "Okay don't be nervous." I told her before opening the door. We heard bunch of talking. "Is anyone else here." She asked as I shook my head. "No it's just the kids." I said as she nodded her head.

"I'm home." I announced and first met by Hope. She rushed over not even noticing Azalea. "Does she know now does my sister know." She asked shaking my shoulders. "She knows." I told her. "Does she want to be my sister oh my god what if she hates me." Hope said as I saw from the corner of my eyes Azalea smiling a bit.

"She don't hate you and if your worried she does ask her yourself." I told her moving out the way as she saw Azalea behind me. She let out a squeal before immediately pulling her into a hug. I smiled seeing them both hugging.


Hope is hugging me pretty tight. "So glad theirs another girl." She whispered in my ear as I hugged her tighter. "Me too." I whispered back. "But your hugging me to tight so please let go." I said as she immediately pulled back. "Sorry." She mumbled with a huge smile. "It's alright." I told her. "Oh my god we can decorate your room together." She said.

She's very excited she's probably more excited than me. "Yeah." I told her. "Come on Teddy and Enzo are waiting come on." She said grabbing my arm dragging me to what I assume is the living room. "Look who's here." She said as they turned around and saw me. "She knows now dad told her." She said. "Welcome to the family Azalea." They both told me with small smiles on their faces making me smile.

"So are you spending the night." Hope asked me. "Please spend the night please." Hope said. "I can stay for a while." I told her. "Deal now come sit with us we we're just gonna play a game." She said dragging me over to the boys. This is where I belong with my dad and siblings.


I watched as my kids all played a bored game together laughing and talking with each other. "Glad their happy." Remus said wrapping his arms around me. "Me too glad she's happy she deserves it." I told him as we watched them all play the game not long before we joined. "Right restart me and dad are joining." Remus said as we walked over. I sat down next to my girls one on each side. I kissed both of their heads from the corner of my eye I can see Azalea smiling.

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