Chapter 40

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This battle is far beyond anyone's reach. This is something people die for. This is not something we need to be fighting. Their lots of people fighting and dying and it sucks watching them fight this war.

We're only kids. They shouldn't be letting us fight this war. I just wish we could go back and stop this from happening.

Something's off and I can't pin it. We stood here as Voldemort comes with his arm and Hagrid. I looked around but can't find George. I hope he's okay I need him to be okay.

I looked at my cousins and friends who were already staring at me. I focused my hearing on them. "We're sorry Azzy," Matteo said. "We didn't have a choice," Theo said. I wiped away the tear that fell as my focus was on Voldemort.

"We must go it's a coward's way out but we can't stand here watching all our friends die you should do the same and leave," Lorenzo told me. I'm glad they are leaving they shouldn't be here. "We'll be at manor waiting for you," Blaise said. "We love you remember that," Draco said as I turned my head and saw them gone.

"Who's Hagrid carrying," Ron asked as I looked at my dads. It's Harry. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath. He should've told me I would've given him some blood so he would come back.

"Harry Potter is dead," Voldemort announces as gasp went around. "No," Ginny yelled trying to go over but was stopped by her father. "Silence you foolish girl." He told Ginny. "Hand over the hybrid." He said as I stepped forward. "You're a coward, Tom," I said as he watched me. "Killing kids spreading fear just to be powerful and the most feared wizard," I said.

"You killed him because he was in your way your a coward that's all you'll ever be no matter what. Kill me if you have to just know you'll have your head served on a plater."


What is she doing? "We may not get along but my family always sticks together whether we like it or not. You mess with one you get the others so do it you coward show the world how much of a coward you are killing kids." She said. "Avada Kadrva." He said as it hit her as she dropped to the floor.

"Azalea no," Davina shouted as I held her back. My baby. Harry fell out of Hagrid's arms as Neville killed the snake. Harry threw spells at Voldemort as he ran as he followed Harry. Most death eaters started leaving as I rushed to Azalea's side.

My littlest pup. Azalea woke up with a gasp I felt relieved she was okay. "That feels weird." She said as I pulled her into a hug. "Don't ever do that again," I told her as she smiled at me. "I needed a dramatic exit." She said standing up. "You are your father's child," Remus told her as she smiled before hugging us both. "You're done now Davina your free to go home," Azalea told her.

"I'll go home once I know everyone is okay," Davina told her. "But here you dropped this," Davina said handing her, her wand.


I grabbed my wand from Davina but something in me feels so off. "Can someone find George," I asked as my dad nodded and walked off. Harry and Voldemort flew in falling to the floor. He and Harry both got up grabbing their wands before dueling.

This is it this is the moment it's done. "We can make him disappear forever where he can't return," Davina told me as I turned my head to look at her. "Repeat after me." She said as Harry got his wand a small smile formed on my face. I soon repeated after Davina as his ashes flew up in the sky. We stopped and turned around.

It's finally over I can go home and relax with George.

"Good job Harry," I told him hugging him. "You too thanks for stalling him for me," Harry said as I smiled at him. "Come on let's head in." I told him as we walked inside. I saw the Weasleys huddling around a body. What's going on. Well Molly just killed Bellatrix and cursed oh my god.

"Fred what's happening." I asked as I he looked at me. "Azalea." He said with tears in his eyes. I looked at my dads. "You find George." I asked them. "Azalea listen-What's going on where is George." I said cutting off my dad.

"Fred you were last with him where is he." I asked. "I tried to stop him I tried to tell him I'm sorry." He said as I looked down and saw it was George. "No. He promised he'd come back to me he promised me." I said as I felt hot tears run down my cheeks. "I'm sorry." Fred told me as I turned around only to see my dad.

I immediately hugged him squeezing my eyes shut holding my dad tightly. This don't feel right without George. "I'm sorry pup." Dad told me as I looked up at him opening my eyes. "This isn't fair dad." I told him as he wiped away my tears. "I know pup." He told me. I'm not gonna turn it off George wouldn't have wanted this.

I pulled away from him taking a deep breath. "I have to take Davina back I will see you at the manor." I said going over to Davina grabbing her arm and apprating to the compound.

"Where the hell have you've been you can't just take people Azalea." Kol said yelling as Davina gave me a hug. "Send me letters okay I'm here you can talk to me don't forget that. Okay." She said kissing my head before pulling away. "Thank you once again." "Why are you two so dirty." Hope said. "Azalea I expect it from you." Hope said as I rolled my eyes.

"Hope don't start it's been a long horrible day-What your boyfriend dumped you." She said laughing. "He died Hope okay and we just got done fighting a war we shouldn't have. So of course we are dirty we were fighting for the greater good. So do me a favor and shut up already." I said snapping at her as she stayed quiet. "Azalea-My dads are waiting I'm gonna go now Davina once again thank you." I said before going home to the Manor. I got their and saw the boys.

"You okay-He's gone George is dead he died saving Fred." I told them as more tears fell. "Oh Azzy come here." Draco said as I walked into his embrace as more tears fell. "Why can't I be happy for once something is always getting in the way and George is dead now." I said. "It'll be okay don't worry we're here through everything like it's always been just us six likes it's been through out the years it's us." Draco said as I nodded my head. "It just hurts I loved him and he's gone Draco my boyfriend is dead." I said crying into his chest.

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