Chapter 23

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I collected my things and pushed them in my bag. I'm just leaving Charms I'm boutta make my way up to Astronomy. I walked out of class only to be met by George. Me and George have been having out since the day in the Forrest which has been a week.

"Hey Georgi." I said as he grabbed my bag for me. "Georgi?" He said as I smiled at him. "Yes Georgi it's your nickname I gave you." I told him as he nodded his head. "Does anyone call you Azzy." He asked as we started walking. "My cousins and friends and uncles." I told him as he nodded his head. "What's your middle name." He asked.

"Astra." I told him as he nodded his head. "Nobody calls me that." I added. "Fine then I'm calling you Astra it's a beautiful name." He said as small blush crept on my face. "My uncle gave it to me mom couldn't find a middle name so my uncle gave me Astra and I like it anyways." I told him as he listened to me.

"Which class you heading to next." He asked me. "Astronomy with my dad you." I said. "Charms." He said. "That's back their." I told him. "Don't worry I'll walk you up their." He said as I nodded my head. "You don't need to you'll be late for your class." I told him.

"It's alright I don't mind walking you." He said as we walked in silence not an awkward one a comfortable silence. George was always a great listener when I talked he always let me talk and not interrupt me.


It's already been five minutes and Azalea ain't here yet. I'm worried something happened. She's never late for class.

Right as I'm about to speak the door opens revealing Azalea and George. Together them two oh god.

"Sorry I'm late professor." She said grabbing her bag from him. Are they together or what. "Thanks George." She mumbled as I walked closer to them two. "Sorry Professor I made her late won't happen again see you later you know where." He told her as she gave him a nod as he walked off back down the stairs.

She looked at me as I gave her a look. "A word. Everyone continue working." I said as she placed her bag down and walked out the door as everyone went back to working. I walked out shutting the door.

"Dad don't worry it won't happened again." She told me letting out a small sigh looking down at her feet. "I know pup don't worry I know it won't but what's going on between you and Fred." I asked her. "Nothing-Azalea." I said as she let out a groan.

"I promise dad nothing is happening between us and if something does you'll be the first to know okay." She told me looking up. I let out a sigh. "Okay okay but please don't be late I was worried something happened to you pup." I told her as she embraced me in a hug.

"Don't worry nothing happened to me dad I'm okay." She told me hugging me tighter. "You might want to get in here dad other wise Athena is gonna cause a fire." Enzo said as we pulled apart and I rushed in stopping her before she can do anything else. This girl and fire it's always fire.

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