Chapter 11

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It's been a month Halloween is around the corner more of today. I choose to be a vampire because like why not it was that or a werewolf but that would be weird. But I'm a vampire like my mom. So glad no classes today so I can hang out with my friends all day. Their is a huge Halloween party in the great hall then their is one in the room of requirements.

So first we're going to the one in the great hall then the one in the room if requirements. I'm already dressed seeing it was already nine p.m. but first I am being called to Professor Potters office no clue on why I am. I grabbed my leather jacket and walked down to the common room and out of it towards his office.

Because once I'm done in their I am heading straight to the great hall. I made it to his office knocking before entering. "I am being summoned for what I haven't done no prank yet." I said. "Okay maybe on Snape but he deserves it." I said noticing my mom was in here.


"Come in and close the door." He said as I did. Okay their being weird and it's awkward. "Okay I told you the truth the only prank I did was on Snape I didn't think it would be that serious that you had to get my mom." I told him as he chuckled. "Well I only came down because you won't return any of my letters-I haven't received any." I said as she rolled her eyes.

"I wanted to let you know I won't be home for Christmas break." She said when isn't she not home. "Where will you be." I asked. "Taking Hope out." Of course she is. I rolled my eyes. "Fine then I'm going to Draco's." I said I'm so close to being done with my mom.

"Your going home Azalea." She said. "What's the whole point of bringing back Aunt Hayley and Uncle Klaus if Hope is gonna keep taking you away from me." I asked her. "So she can have her parents as well and you know that but Hope wants to go to France during break so I'm taking her." My mom said.

"What about me then mom. What about what I want Hope has both of her parents I only have you and your burly home and when you are your with Hope or Marcel where do I fit into any of that because that takes up most of your time if it ain't work or Hope or Marcel taking your time your always busy so where do I fit in." I asked her.

She didn't say anything as I let out a sigh. "Here keep your stupid jacket who knows you might give it to Hope. I'm going to the Malfoy's this break I don't care what you say." I told her giving her back her jacket before walking out. She ruined my whole night I thought maybe just once it would be her telling me that she was gonna take me somewhere or something or that she loves me but no only to tell me she won't even be home.

I'm heading straight to the room if requirements maybe I could sneak some whiskey from the older kids or maybe just take Matteo's when he's not paying attention.

I got into the room of requirements and saw almost everyone was already here so I'm assuming they left the great hall and just came straight here. Do you blame them no I don't.

A smile came across my face when I saw my friends. I walked over to them ignoring the looks from the Potter and his friends. "Where have you've been don't tell me in the great hall." Blaise said as I shook my head. "No my mom came." I told them as they stared at me. "For what." Draco asked me.

"To tell me she won't be home for break." I said taking Draco's drink from his hand. "Where she going." Matteo asked taking a sip of his drink. "Taking Hope to France so she's leaving me home so she can take my cousin to France because she's obviously more important than her own daughter." I said then finishing Draco's drink for him.

"Come over for break then." Draco told me. "Can't I already asked and she said no I need stay home but she's more likely gonna send me to my Uncle's." I told them. "Come on let's dance I want to dance, dance with me please." I said looking at them as all as they all let out a sigh finishing their drinks tossing their cups to the side. "Let's go." They said as a huge grin came on my face as we went to dance.


We stared at Azalea danced with her friends. "So she's your sister how." Harry said as I shrugged my sister. "By which dad." LilyRose said. "Padfoot and stop staring I wasn't even suppose to tell you guys." I told them as they stopped staring at her. "How." Harry asked. "Oh my god Harry how are we related." LilyRose told him.

As he rolled his eyes. "So what's gonna happen." Athena asked as I shrugged my shoulders. "No clue dad said he's gonna tell her but I'm not sure when he is. He wants me to get to know Azalea." I said as they stared at me. "She's nice." Hope said. "You talked to her?" Teddy said as she nodded her head.

"The rumors of her being stuck up brat and rude aren't true she's super nice." Hope said. "Hope." Speak of the devil here she comes. "My favorite Hope would you like to dance with me." She said slurring her words a bit. "Are you drunk." Hope asked her. "A tiny bit but would you like to dance with me." Azalea said as Hope smiled at her. "Of course." Hope told her.

"That's why your my favorite Hope." She said as we stared at her confused. "Right my cousin is named Hope but your my favorite Hope out of the whole world now let's dance." She said taking Hope to the dance floor as they danced.

"Least they get along think they'll get along still when she finds out." Athena asked as we shrugged our shoulders watching them dance the night away. I always liked having sisters but now I have two it's nice.

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