Chapter 22

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It's been a week since I got out of the hospital thanks to my mom. Not really her fault but kinda is if she wasn't their I wouldn't have gotten distracted and then I wouldn't have gotten hit and broke my arm.

I have to wear this stupid arm thingy I forgot the name of it. Do you know how hard it is to hold your stuff it's so freakin hard. "Right why are you glaring at your food." Lorenzo asked me as I looked up at them.

"More importantly why does it look like your gonna kill someone." Matteo said as I rolled my eyes. "I have to wear this stupid thingy and do you know how hard it is to wear it." I told them. "Yeah Azzy I do remember two weeks before break I got hurt and had to wear the sling." He said as I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways I have to go." I said getting up barely. "Okay your being dramatic now." Draco said as I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "Where to you haven't even finished your food." He added. "To my dad see if I can take this thingy off yet and not hungry." I told him finally getting out.

"I'll see you later." I said not giving them a chance to speak as I walked off. I haven't told them about my mom telling I had to turn if I didn't get my magic under control. Sorry for being a mistake who can't control her magic like some people.

It's hard trying to control it. It's hard and each time I do try to get it under control I get yelled at for loosing control. I'm not like Hope or Aunt Freya or Aunt Davina or like mom who gets a grip easily. It takes me quit some time to fully understand before I get a grip on it.

I reached my dad's office I knocked before entering. I walked in and over to his chair sitting down in it as he stared at me. "What's wrong pup." He said. "When can I take this off dad." I asked letting out a yawn. "When your bones heal." He said as I groaned.

"I hate this dad can I just take it off now it's bothering me and I hate it." I said. "Listen how about you go down to the hospital wing and ask Madam Pomfrey how much longer okay." He said as I thought it. "That's what I'll do then thanks dad." I said getting out of his chair kissing his cheek and walking out.


I shook my head as Azalea walked out as the boys walked in. I sat down in my chair that I got out of immediately when Azalea barged through the door.

"Where's she going." Harry asked. "Hospital wing-She okay." Teddy and Enzo immediately asked. "She's alright she's going to see how much longer till she has to take the sling off cause it's bothering her." I told them as they nodded their heads.


I was walking towards the hospital wing when someone bumped into me. I was ready to fall but to my surprise I didn't fall. I opened my eyes and saw George Weasley standing their. "Hello darling." He said as I immediately stood up straight.

"Sorry for bumping into you." He told me as I nodded my head. "Where you heading I'll walk you." He said as I smiled. "Hospital wing this stupid thing is bothering me." I said barely lifting my broken arm.

"Want me to distract you so you don't worry about your arm." He said as I shrugged my shoulders. "What you got in mind." I said as he grinned. "You trust me." He said as I stared at him. "What's you doing Weasley." I said as he chuckled.

"Trust me on this Black don't worry." He said putting his hand out for me as I thought about it before taking his hand. "I'm trusting you here okay-He started to run dragging me with him. "Slow down." I told him but he didn't he kept running.

"George." I said as he stopped running causing me to hit his back. "Ow and where are we." I said looking around noticing we're in the forest. "The forbidden forest before you yell at me trust me on this one." He said as I nodded my head.

We walked a little farther into the forest. I got tired of walking so I stopped and sat on the floor leaning against a log. George turned around coming back to sit next to me. "Can I tell you something." I said as he nodded his head. "Don't tell anyone though." I told her letting out a sigh.

"Do you believe in vampire." I asked as he stared at me. "Yeah I mean witches are real so are werewolves so I believe their are vampires." He said. "Why are you one." He asked as I laughed a little bit. "No but my mom is." I said as he listened to me.

"Everyone on my moms side of the family are vampires except my Aunt Freya and Davina their witches but everyone else are vampire." I said. "I'm not suppose to be born but theirs always a loophole that's how I was made and my cousin it was a loophole but according to my Aunt Davina we are miracle babies cause vampire can't procreate." I told him. "So then are you human." He asked me.

"Yeah I'm human with a vampire mom and a dad who is wizard. I'm technically a witch from both my mom and dad. Mom was a witch before and dad is a wizard." I said. "So you have your own magic that's cool." He said as I smiled a bit. "Thank you but it's not cool when you can't control it. I'm also half vampire I was born with the vampire blood in my system so if I die I'd come back as a vampire." I told him.

"My mom said if I don't get my magic under control I'd have to turn." I said. "Do you want to turn." He asked. "Yeah I'd like to turn to stay young forever but I don't want to stay fourteen forever I want to grow up and age not live forever and ever. But if I turn I won't be a witch no more you can only be one a witch, vampire, or werewolf you can't be all three but my cousin she's all three her dad is a werewolf and vampire my grandmother cheated on my grandpa making my uncle.

Then they turned into vampire and her mom is a werewolf but died and became a vampire and so she's already hybrid a vampire and werewolf but she got the witch side from my grandmother making her a tribrid but I'm only witch so if I die and become a vampire I'll no longer be a witch I'd just be a vampire.

Yes being a vampire means you'll live forever and stay young forever but it also sucks your emotions are heightened you have to ability to turn it all off so you don't care no more and I don't want that and my mom is gonna force me to do it by the end of the summer." I told him.

"Why don't you live with your dad." He asked me. "Because if I have an outburst it kills people and I don't want to have an outburst and hurt them. I'm already a mistake who shouldn't have been born and even just hurting them I know my self that I wouldn't handle myself if I did." I told him.

"Why don't you talk to your mom about it then." He said trying to be helpful. "Cause she don't care all she cares about is my cousin she always has she always leaves me behind while them two go out." I told him getting up tired of sitting down as he did the same as we started to walk.

"Then why do you still with her if all she does is ignore you." He asked me. "She's my mom and I love her no matter how many times she ignores me she's still my mom and I love her no matter what she does but I'm not sure she feels the same with me." I said just letting the tears fall.

He can't see so why not. "Why do you say that." He said. "She's doesn't even say she loves me she's always mad at me me it's like I can never do nothing right for her and somehow it's always me at the end of the day getting yelled at." I said.

"Sometimes I wish I always lived with my dad and never knew my mom yeah I know how that sounds but my mom barely home when I'm their it sucks being alone when your an only child but when I'm with my dad I'm not alone and I have Teddy Hope and Enzo with me and I'm happy with my dad when I'm with my mom all she does is talk about my cousin or make me feel bad my dad is the opposite.

If I didn't find out about my dad I probably wouldn't be here anymore. Like gone gone like not a vampire type of gone just gone so I wouldn't be a burden to my mom cause she herself called me a mistake. Me and my cousin before we didn't get along we're walking by and heard her say I was a mistake and I shouldn't have happened.

But now I have my dad and I love him I don't I can ever put him in that position." I said as we walked in silence it wasn't awkward it was a comforting silence. "Thanks for letting me talk you didn't have too." I told him. "No problem you can talk to me whenever you want Azalea." He said as I nodded my head as we kept walking around for a bit.

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