Chapter 30

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It's been little over a week of Josh helping me. I've learned the basics the vamp speed the hearing and compulsion and the feeding. They weren't kidding when they said everything was heightened.

"Come sit." Josh told me. "So i wanna talk to you about this thing that vampire can do." He said as I sat down next to him. "Yeah go ahead." I told him. "Vampire are able to control their emotions whether they want to feel it or not it's your humanity practically you can switch it on and off-His phone started to ring as I let out a small laugh.

"It's alright answer it." I told him as he gave me a nod and answered it walking into the kitchen for some privacy as I sat on the couch not listening in. I won't ever invade someone's privacy that's rude.

A letter appeared on my lap. I looked at it's from my dad how he doesn't know where I'm at. I opened wanting to see what he says.

Dear Azalea I am very disappointed to hear that you turned. I never wanted a daughter who is a vampire I won't ever want one either. Can't believe you turned such a disappointment. Sincerely your father

I closed the letter wiping away the tear that fell. I knew he'd hate me for turning but it was for his safety and my family and friends I was dangerous just like they've been saying all along.

"Right I'm back." Josh said as I shoved the letter under my lap. "So how do they turn it off Josh." I asked him. "Really all they do is close their eyes and turn it off that's practically it but you won't do that because your good Azalea you won't want to hurt no one." He said as I looked down. "Why do people want to do that."

I asked him. "Mostly because they don't want ti feel pain that's all it is to it. That's mainly why most vampires turn it off." He told me. I covered
my face letting out a sigh. I closed my eyes turning off my humanity. "Azzy-I'm fine don't worry I'm gonna go." I told him shoving the letter in my pocket.

"Are you sure." He said as I nodded my head. "Yeah I'm sure I'm gonna go visit my uncle." I told him as he nodded his head. "Alright be careful." He told me as I gave him a hug and left.


Soon as Azalea sped off I pulled my phone out. I dialed Davina. "We got a problem." I said grabbing my keys and jacket. "She turned it off Azalea turned her humanity off Davina." I said before walking out the house.


Davina got off the phone turning to face. "She turned it off." She said as we all looked at her. "What do you mean she turned it off." Hailey said. "Well she turned it off she don't have her humanity anymore so she no longer cares about anything or anyone." Davina said.

"Think turning her was a mistake." I said. "You think your forced something onto her something she didn't and blamed her for going to explode when in reality it was your fault she wasn't going to have an outburst she was having a good time then Hope started saying crap to her and you guys didn't stop her-Neither did you."

I told her. "It's not my place but I should've now I see why Azalea wanted to stay with her you guys let Hope walk around here with no care who's feelings she hurts you let her do what she wants. You let her treat Azalea like shit Rebekah you've been a horrible mother to Azalea from what I seen you only care about Hope not even your own biological daughter.

You push her aside whenever your with Hope. I don't blame her for wanting to be with her dad and not you-She tell you that." I said cutting her off. "She didn't have to it was obvious." She said right as Sirius arrived. "Where the hell is she." Sirius said right away. "We don't know she turned it off." I told him.

"When we find her I'm taking her far away from all of you." Sirius said. "You can't do that she's my kid." I told him. "Like I hell I can you forced this on and now now I don't even know where she's at because of you guys you have it in her head that she's dangerous-She is." Hope said.

"No she's not she's not dangerous you think she is because when she's with me she's perfectly fine her magic doesn't act up but once she with you guys it acts up. It's you guys who cause her magic to act up so once I get her back and I know she's okay I'm taking her far away from all of you." He said. "Your not taking my daughter." I told him.

"Is she really your daughter Rebekah cause the day you went to the hospital wing after almost causing her to get more injured you started a fight with her she told you she didn't want this and you didn't give her a choice once you left she told me she didn't want to be one she said she didn't want to be a monster then on her birthday you guys set her up leaving her no choice but to have an outburst.

It hurts Rebekah having your kid ask you why she isn't good enough for her mom Rebekah. She is the smartest and kind kid but you can't see it I can and I barely know her I bet you I know more about her than you do-I do know everything about Azalea." I told him.

"Really tell me list me some things that she likes." He said. "She likes strawberries-She's allergic them." He said. "She like the color red-It's green not red." "Okay Sirius I don't know a lot about her-a lot Rebekah from what she's told me you were barely around for her. I draw the line now I wanted us to have a good parenting relationship but you don't even care about her. I'm taking my daughter wether you like it or not." He said.

"Sirius you can't." I told him. "I am." He said walking out the house. "Where you even going." Marcel asked him. "To find my god damn daughter seeing known of you are." He said slamming the door. I let out a sigh sitting down.

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