Chapter 26

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~time skip~


Today is the first of June meaning summer time. I'm already on the train in my usual spot where the boys will find me any minute. The door swings opens revealing the boys. "Happy birthday." Draco was the first to say as I smiled.

"Thank you Draco." I told him. Soon a chorus of happy birthday was said all at once making me laugh. "Thank you guys." I told them. "So what are you doing for your birthday." They asked me. "Same thing I do every year-Come on Azzy it's your birthday your fifteen years old." Blaise told me.

"Theirs no point in celebrating it it's just something that happens every year-You sound like my dad Azzy." Draco told me as I rolled my eyes. "Fine if I do something I'll send you a letter letting you know." I told them as they smiled. "Good." I heard Matteo say as I closed my eyes.

"Tired." Draco asked as I nodded my head. "Sleep I'll wake you when we get their." He told me as I got comfortable next to him leaning on him dozing off to sleep.

"If you don't wake up I'll throw water on you." I heard Matteo say as I opened my eyes. "Okay I'm up jeez." I said getting up off the seat grabbing my bag only for it to her grabbed by Draco. "Come on I'm sure Regulus is waiting for you." Draco said as I said goodbye to the boys and walked out with him.

We went on the search for our uncle. We soon found him with my dad making me smile. I rushed over hugging him almost causing us to fall. "I see you missed me." He said as I pulled away. "Sorry I couldn't make it to any more of the quidditch games I got loaded with work." He told me.

"It's alright but I did see you at my first game sorry I didn't get to say hi was busy getting hit with a bludger." I said as he shook his head. "Also Draco I'm taking you home your mom asked me to pick you up." Regulus told him as he gave him a nod. "Your mom told me to pick you up Azzy." He said as I gave him a nod.

"Also Happy birthday." He said as my eyes widened. "Birthday it's the first I'm hearing of." My dad said as my uncle looked at me. "You haven't told him." He said. "In my defense he never asked." I said giving him a smile.

"Come on your mom wants you home." He said with a sigh. "Rebekah said she can go home with me." My dad said he asked already. "She told me to come and get her saying they need to talk and all that's it." He said as I think I know what's it about. "I'm still going dad I'm probably just gonna see what mom wants that's all." I told him as he let out a sigh.

"Fine but we are doing something for your birthday so I better get you back today." He told me kissing my cheek. "Will do bye dad." I said kissing his cheek before leaving with Regulus.

With got to the compound I looked around it was quiet I don't think anyone was home. "I don't think anyone is-SURPRISE." I turned around and saw it was my family throwing me a party. Weird.

They never do. I haven't had a birthday party since I was five and that was before mom had to leave before all that stuff happened. "Happy birthday Azalea." My mom said as I looked at Draco who also looked as concerned as well. "Thank you I guess." I said as she walked over giving me a hug.

She's hugging me I immediately hugged her back. She's my mom and I love her. "Your dad will be coming over later." She told me pulling away as I nodded my head.

"Okay." I said. "I will see you later Azzy I have to take Draco home-Can I stay of course if they let me." Draco said. "Um-Of course you can Draco." My mom said as Regulus nodded his head. "Alright then I'll let you mother know we'll be back later." Regulus said as we gave him a hug before he left.

Once he left me and Draco sat down next to each other not saying anything. "She hugged me." I whispered to him. "I know how'd it feel." He whispered back.

"Good my mom hugged me without me hugging her first." I told him. "It feels fake it don't feel real at all as much as I want it to be." I told him. "What are you kids talking about." My aunt said as they walked in sitting down on the couch. "Nothing just about school." I told them as they nodded their heads.

"So when do you go Azalea." Hope said as I rolled my eyes. "September 1st like every years Hope." I said looking down fiddling with my fingers. "I um talked to dad about me going with them shopping for my materials for school and he said he'd take me as well." I said speaking to my mom looking up at her.

"We always go together." My mom said. Lies I always go with Regulus or Draco. "Dad wants to take me so I'm gonna go with him of course if you let me." I said. "Yeah I guess." She said as I looked back down. "Your mom told us your broke your arm." Marcel said as I nodded my head.

"How." My uncle Klaus asked. "I um fell off my broom it was alright it healed pretty quickly just had to wear a sling for a couple weeks." I said. "I told her she's better off playing football at the Salvatore school." My mom said as I stayed quiet.

"Mom can I stay with dad for the summer." I said very nervously. I resisted the urge to tug on my hair. "I don't see why not I was gonna take you to France but you want to go with your dad go ahead." She said. "Okay." I mumbled.

Next thing we know my dad appeared. "Their you are." My sister said as I got up and she ran over to me hugging me. "Thank you from saving me from this awkward conversation." I whispered in her ear as she hugged me tighter. "You two just saw each other like an hour ago." Harry said as we pulled apart glaring at him as he raised his hands in surrender.

"I'm gonna go to your room real quick-Azalea don't like nobody in her room." Hope said as I rolled my eyes. "Go ahead I'll meet you in their." I told her as she gave me a nod and walked upstairs. I walked over giving my dad a hug. "You didn't tell me it was your birthday so I got you a last minute gift." My dad told me pulling away.

"It's alright gift or no gift just glad your here." I told him as he smiled. "Why don't you kids go do something." Remus said as I nodded my head. "Yes I have a game we can play in my room come on." I said to them as they gave me a smile. "Oh Astra darling how dare you forget to give me a hug." I heard as I playfully rolled my eyes. "Hi Georgi." I said giving him a hug. "Come on my room is right upstairs." I told them as we walked up to my room.

"Is that her." George asked as I nodded my head. "Yes it is and keep down they can hear you." I told them as they gave me a nod and I pulled out a game.

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