Chapter 31

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It's been a month already and I like having no humanity. It's fun having no care in the world being able to do whatever I want and I won't die.

But I heard my stupid family is trying to find me so I've been leading them everywhere where I'm not. I don't need anybody all my life I've been by myself might as well actually live by myself.

I have no clue where I'm at right now the car I got from some chick back in New Orleans broke down. I've been driving around for quit some time. I got out the car and started walking towards the town I see. I used my vamp speed so I didn't have to walk all the way over here. I walked out of some alley way and looked around.

It's nice here people are friendly might stay here for now. Someone just bumped into me as I rolled my eyes. "Oh I am so sorry." The guy said turning around revealing it was the Weasley twins. "Azalea where have you've been your dad has been looking for you." Fred told me as I rolled my eyes. "You know around." I told them.

"Why are you like this you've never been like this." George said as I rolled my eyes. "I've gotta go now see you boys later." I said leaving quickly before they could do anything. Great gotta leave a nice cute town because of them. I walked up to some girl compelling her to give me her car. I liked it, it was cute so I took.

I drove off out of town quickly. Who knew having your humanity off would be this fun if I knew I would've turned a long time ago. I'm kinda hungry right now. I pulled into a small town I parked the car getting out. I looked around and walked around looking for someone. I saw a guy looks mid twenty's. I walked over to him "accidentally" bumping into him.

"Oh I am so sorry." I told him as he stared at me. "I-It's alright what's your name darling." He said as I mentally cringed. "Lilith." I said coming up with the first name in my mind. "Well Lilith it's alright." He told me. "I'm Ryder." He said as I nodded my head. "I'm actually looking for some help with my car just over their mind helping me." I said as I pointed around the corner where it was completely empty nobody was their.

"Of course sweetheart lead the way." He said as I turned around with a smirk and walked off as he followed. Soon as we turned the corner he grabbed me pulling me into a kiss pushing me up against the wall. "You know sweetheart it's dangerous for a pretty little lady like you to be walking alone." He said pulling away.

"You also know it's dangerous to follow someone into a empty alley way. Now where are your manners." I said as I pushed him off of me. "Now your gonna be quiet and not say a word." I said compelling him as he nodded his head. I was feeding on him almost about to kill him when I heard someone show up. "Feeding on people in broad daylight." I heard as I rolled my eyes.

"Well now is the perfect timing do it now." I heard as I threw him to the ground turning around seeing some people I have never seen before.


It's been a month we still haven't found her it's like she's been cloaked. But their has been bodies almost everywhere we've gone looking for her. We know it's her because most vampires don't leave their dinners out half dead or with their heads off their bodies.

We found a couple people stabbed with a wooden stake, headless, burned, cut in half, very distributing by the way. She's leaving bodies everywhere she goes we seem to be like two steps back from her while she's five ahead.

"Aren't you glad you turned her no more magic trouble but now we have a vampire problem meaning Azalea she's off the hinges leaving dead bodies everywhere she goes it's bizarre." Kol said as I rolled my eyes. "How we're we suppose to know this was gonna happen." I told him.

"We better find her before someone else does." Freya said. "Yeah I found her but someone beat us to it." Marcel said walking in. "Well where is she." I asked. "Some witches found her before her and sent her to a prison world." He said. "How." Freya said.

"Using Bennett blood." Marcel said as I let out a sigh.


Those stupid witches put me in a prison world. Great now how the hell am I suppose to feed. It looks like Mystic Falls. I looked around I don't think anyone is here. "Hello anyone here." I said you never know if someone is here.

I let out a sigh and started to walk to the Salvatore Boarding School maybe I'll find a way out. Ugh I'm stuck in here I'm not a witch anymore. I rolled my eyes walking inside. It looks like someone had been here.

"Your new." I heard as I turned my head and saw a guy. "Who the hell are you." I said as he walked over. "I'm Kai and you are." He said. "Azalea." I told him. "Why'd you get put in here." He asked me as I walked in more sitting down. "May or may not have killed a dozen people on a killing spree." I said waiting for a response.

"Oh I see your humanity is off." He mumbled as I rolled my eyes. "Yup never been better." I said as he sat in front of me. "So why'd you turn it off." He asked me. "Why are you in here." I asked him. "I asked first." He said as I rolled my eyes. "My family forced me to turn practically saying I was dangerous cause I couldn't control my magic so they turned me to take away my magic then I hurt my dad so then I turned then turned it off. Now answer mine." I told him.

"Tried killing my nieces but their dad hates me for killing their mom and their aunt put me in here." He said. "So you were a witch." He asked as I nodded my head. "Yeah what are you." I asked. "Heretic a siphon witch and a vampire." He said. "Cool." I mumbled getting up grabbing some bourbon. "So who's your horrible family." He asked.

"You might've heard of them the Mikaelson's." I said. "Who's your parent." He asked. "My mom is Rebekah Mikaelson she kinda sucks she was barely their my whole childhood and when she was she spent it with my cousin but the only reason I was a witch was because of my mom she was a witch before so I kinda inherited it from her and dad and grandmother. My dad is some wizard and my grandmother is the original witch." I told him.

"You might still have your magic." He told me. "How I'm a vampire it took it away." I told him. "Might've not taken it away. Both parents were witches and your grandmother is the original witch so maybe you still have your magic just haven't realized it." He said as I thought about it. "How would that work I'm not a siphon so I can't siphon magic I was just a witch who couldn't control her magic." I told him.

"Well we'll find out see if you can light this candle if not your not a witch and if you your a heretic like me." He said placing a candle in front of me. "All you have to do is say in incendia and if it lit's your still a witch." He said as I rolled my eyes.

I looked at the candle letting out a sigh. "Incendia." I said as the candle lit up I rolled my eyes. "Perfect." I mumbled. "I'll help you with your magic newbie." He said as I rolled my eyes. Great stuck in here and still have magic.

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