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3rd POV

If Blueberry had known he was going to die, he would've said goodbye. Despite the protests of Carrot, not to fight against the Bad Sanses, he'd insisted. "INK AND DREAM NEED ME. TWO VS FIVE ISN'T VERY FAIR YOU KNOW.."
"and neither is three vs five! please, blue, don't go.. something is gonna go wrong, i know it!" Carrot pleaded. He couldn't describe the feeling he was getting. It was similar to when the kid did a genocide run, but times that by ten. He KNEW something was going to go terribly, horribly, wrong. Still his brother smiled his confident smile. "DON'T WORRY! I'LL BE BACK TO MAKE DINNER!" Before Carrot could protest further Blueberry jumped through the portal.


As Blueberry walked up to the Star Sanses base, he couldn't help but wonder what had gotten under his brother's metaphorical skin. He'd fought against the Bad Sanses at least a million times, and had returned home fine. Carrot had been proud of him for fighting against the evils of the multiverse. What was different now? He did the secret knock.




Dream opened the door. "just in time blueberry! ink was about to debrief on the mission. come on!" Dream pushed Blueberry inside and to the livingroom. Ink's blue diamond eye turned into a yellow star as he grew excited. "blueberry! welcome back! we were just getting started!"
"SO I HEARD!" Blueberry sat on the couch, Dream sitting on the other end as Ink started to pace the room. "well, now that we're all here, let's get started."


"i'm hoping this will be our last interaction with the bad sanses. if the murder time trio can be held back long enough, i can seal error away and dream can purify nightmare. can you do it blue?" All three of them? That would be quite the task.. "I, THE MAGNIFICENT BLUEBERRY, CAN DO ANYTHING! NO MATTER HOW DIFFICULT!" He assured. He was going to have to. He could do this. He could hold them back.. right?


It was a waiting game now as the Star Sanses awaited the Bad Sanses attack on some innocent au. Ink was drawing on the couch. Dream was meditating, focusing his magic for nightmare's purification. Blueberry was in the kitchen cooking. It helped him to think about things. He was still bothered by Carrot. He'd seemed scared, acting like he did when the human went on their murder spree. He could see why, he was going to be going against three murderers at once, but Carrot didn't know that. His brother should have more faith in him then that.. right? Blueberry always pushed away the fear. It was the secret to his confidence. He couldn't allow himself to be afraid when the entire multiverse needed him. Stars, he hoped this plan would work. He hoped that Nightmare could be purified and Error sealed so war could end and the multiverse could finally be at peace.


Blueberry POV

We all stood in the living room as Ink opened a portal to Inverted Fate. That was where the Bad Sanses had been located. "ready?"
"ready." Dream replied. "READY!" I stated confidently. "best of luck, everyone." Ink jumped through. "come on, you can do this, blue!" Dream followed Ink. I smirked. I had this. I followed after them.


I initiated battle in Snowdin. Killer attacked me first, then I'd gotten Dust involved. Horror falling in after them. It wasn't easy, keeping them all on me. It was harder still to keep them from murdering me. Blocking all three of them was impossible. The cuts from their magic and weapons started to accumulate on my body. If I was going to survive this, I was going to have to start running. "hey! where's he going!"
"come back here! we're not done!"
"i'm gonna use your bones as toothpicks."


I went through Waterfall without finding them. I went through Hotland with nothing to show. I went through New Home and lost my pursuers. Wait. I skidded to a halt. "WHERE-" I cried out as a knife was jabbed into my femur by Killer. Before I could defend myself against him, he disappeared. I realized that the tables had turned for me long ago. They'd wanted me to run. I wasn't distracting them.. they were hunting me. Now I was the wounded animal away from the heard. I HAD  to find Dream and Ink. I started limping towards Judgement Hall. It was to dangerous to tend the wound now. They could be anywhere. 


I picked up pace in the hall. If they weren't here, then they were in the throne room. Just a few more feet. I was so close- I screamed and Dust's knife went into my back. Into my spine. For the first time in a long time, I felt fear as I dropped to the floor. I couldn't feel my legs. I was grabbed and dragged to my destination by the psychopath himself. "hey, boss, look what we caught. It seemed that Ink and Dream hadn't even gotten their hands on the duo yet when they saw me. "BLUE!" Maniacal laughter came from Error. Nightmare looked beyond pleased. "oh how delicious. i've never seen that look on you before, blueberry. such fear."
"shall i finish him?" Horror growled. "yes. the look on their faces will be priceless, watching their dear friend die." I looked up at Horror. At that huge, blood red eye. "I'm sorry brother.." The ax was raised above his head. "I'm not going to be cooking tonight.." The ax came down as screams of agony were heard, mixed with crazed laughter.

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