I opened my sockets into a world where their was no scent of blood or dust. It was empty, devoid of life. I could tell it wasn't my Snowdin. "How did I get here..?" I really missed Uncle Papyrus right now. He was so nice despite everything. I started on the familiar path home, walking past the Snowdin Sign, the Shop, the Inn, Muffet's- wait Muffet's? I looked at the place. Where was Grillby's? "What is this au?" I continued homeward. I wanted to see if anything changed there. I wanted to know why this place was so empty, yet there wasn't a speck of dust on the ground. I entered the house. Nothing looked to different.. the kitchen was tidy, father's lone sock was still on the floor and it was still infuriating to look at- not that I would tell him that. I went up to my bedroom. "..." The door was locked. "Why is my bedroom door locked?" It's not like I could shortcut in there either. I didn't have a key because I never locked it. Maybe there was a key in father and Uncle's bedroom? That door was open, but the room was NOT the same. It was a baby blue with Uncle's figurines, a flag, a computer, some attacks, and a blue race car bed... someone who looked almost identical to me was sitting on it. He wore grey armor, black pants, blue boots, gloves, and a bandanna. His magic was baby blue. He smiled brightly, starry eyelights staring expectantly at me. "I've been waiting for you, Bitterberry."
"Who are you? How do you know my name? Where are we?"
"Mweh heh heh.." He simply laughed quietly. "Don't you recognize this place at all? Recognize me? Perhaps it's to early yet.. but if your here, then it must be coming to you. You are in you're soul. You're asleep right now in your brother's arms."
"My.. brother.." My brows furrowed as I thought on who that could be. The scent of honey and cigarette smoke came to me. "Carrot? But.. he's older than me?"
"You know why. You've always known. You know who I am. You know this place. You know." He stated matter of factly. "..." I walked around the room slowly. It did seem familiar, like I've been here before.. my sockets widened. In another life. I whirled on.. myself? "YOU'RE MY PAST LIFE!" He laughed again, louder this time. "MWEH HEH HEH! THAT'S RIGHT!" His smile faded a little. "If only we'd listened, huh?" Listened? A memory flashed.🌑🌒🌓🌕🌔🌖🌗🌘
"and neither is three vs five! please, blue, don't go.. something is gonna go wrong, i know it!" Carrot pleaded. He couldn't describe the feeling he was getting. It was similar to when the kid did a genocide run, but times that by ten. He KNEW something was going to go terribly, horribly, wrong. Still his brother smiled his confident smile. "DON'T WORRY! I'LL BE BACK TO MAKE DINNER!" Before Carrot could protest further Blueberry jumped through the portal.🌑🌒🌓🌕🌔🌖🌗🌘
"I.. remember that.. so father really did kill me, kill us." Blue waved it off. "It was scary at first, but Horror was just doing what he needed to survive. Just like you." He was right. "Am I you, or are you me?" Blueberry tilted his head. "Both? Neither? We are the same person with different experiences.. different lives. Our magic is the same, or morals, our beliefs.. yet due to environmental factors, we, I don't know.. act kinda differently?" He shrugged. "I think I understand.. so my dreams.. they were your, our memories of the past?" He nodded. "And before father killed us, we were a Star Sans?"
"Ink and Dream were our best friends!" He beamed. I thought about Carrot. "He's.. our brother has been.. hurting himself.. can I still help him?" Blue kicked his legs. "The way I see it, we can do what we want. Nobody controls us, but us. Not even Nightmare. We just have to be careful about it." I agreed to that immediately. "Very careful." I chuckled. "I wonder if I could still fit in our clothes from Underswap?" Blueberry grinned widely. "ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT!"
"TIME FOR ME TO WAKE UP!" I paused. "Blue?"
"Hm?""Thanks!" He flashed his confident smile once more. "YOU'RE WELCOME!"
I woke up in a bedroom. I recognized it as a guest bedroom from my past life. "Some things never change." I found a set of clothes waiting for me on a chair in the room. I looked at my dust and blood stained ones. I'd want me to change to if I were them. Ironically enough, they were a set of Blue's. Bandanna and all. I stripped and changed into them, feeling an odd sense of comfort in the weight of the armor. Looking into a body length mirror, I looked exactly like him, minus my red magic and the chips and such on my skull. I even smiled his confident smile. "Oh wow.. that's to freaky." I left the room, ready to tell them everything.
The pic at the top is my first ever drawing so it might be.. eh. BUT! That is what Bitter looks like.

Child of my Killer
FanfictionBlueberry lived a Star Sans and died one. Then he was reborn the son of one of his enemies.