"I'm staying here. If Chara resets in Underswap, my code will be erased. I'm a foreign entity there. As for the disbanding of the Star Sanses... that won't happen. Now that your group has fallen, others will come out and fight to fill that role. There will always be a reason for the Star Sanses." I replied to Nightmare's question. "I'll help my father around here and continue as a Star Sans, if they will allow me. Visit Underswap and some other aus on my spare time.."
"that's... going to be rough on carrot." Nightmare replied. "I know, but I also know he'll understand. I'm not Blueberry. Not anymore. I'm Bitterberry now. And I will be for the rest of this life. Blue is dead." Nightmare smiled sadly. "yeah... you really struggled with your identity, huh?" I nodded, looking away. "When I first found out I was Blue, I thought I could just... jump right back into my old life. But I wasn't the same. I wasn't... I know now that Bitter is who I'm supposed to be, I can't leave where I left off like Classic can." Nightmare chuckled. "he can because classic sans can't actually die, it code will forever be in undertale."🌑🌒🌓🌕🌔🌖🌗🌘
Nightmare was telling the boys for me. I still had to finish up here, otherwise I would have done it myself. I could tell Horror was still confused as to why I was here. So he asked when I returned with empty hands. "bitter, why aren't you in underswap? i thought you'd..."
"Stay with Carrot? No. This is where I belong." I replied. "...i know... i know it is blue... bitter... it's just..." I turned to face the trio. Carrot, Dream, and Ink. "Hard to accept?" I offered. Carrot nodded. "i... i thought we could, you know, go back to the way it was.."
"I thought so too, at first, but... I'm not Blue. I have his memories, we share a soul, but my code isn't completely his. It's Bitter's." I turned to the Star Sanses. "If you'll have me, I'd love to continue fighting for the multiverse with you. I understand if you don't though." Dream smiled, looking to his brother. Nightmare nodded and Dream looked back to me. "of course we'll still have you, bitter." Ink stated, Dream shooting a glare at the artist. I laughed at them.🌑🌒🌓🌕🌔🌖🌗🌘
With reluctant goodbyes to Carrot who promised he'd be fine, not having me around 24/7, and the boys who promised to keep me updated on the multiverse while I was busy here. "bitter, i thought you'd want this back, since you're staying." Horror held something in his hands. It was my hatchet.. I smiled, taking the item from him. "Thank you, father." I put the weapon in my inventory so I could hug him. He hugged back. "that's my boy.."
And that's the end. Next 'chapter' will be the q&a. You can ask about me, about the cast, both. This was my longest story so far, but something tells me that there will be longer In the future. Have a great morning/afternoon/night!

Child of my Killer
FanfictionBlueberry lived a Star Sans and died one. Then he was reborn the son of one of his enemies.