It took quite a bit of time for, everyone really, to get used to the fact that I was back. Even Carrot was still trying to fully process it. "don't suppose i can really do anything for them to like me."
"Dream and Ink did watch as you killed me. I may have forgiven you, but it might be harder for them." My sockets half lidded. "And NONE of us can forget. I guess what I'm trying to say is it will take time, father." I handed Horror a sandwich and went to the livingroom. "i don't remember you ever eating this much.." Ink commented. "I live in Horrortale." I reminded him. "My appetite has changed dramatically." I chomped into the sandwich. Dream laughed. "good point.. so what's next?"
"you three recover. we could use a small reprieve before we attack the bad." I finished my sandwich quickly. "recover? from what?" Carrot asked. "It's quite obvious to me that you're not used to the fact that I'm back, so let's do an us day." I reasoned. "Hang out, do things we used to do." Carrot nodded. "ok, i getcha." Ink and Dream were also in on it. "us day, i like it."🌑🌒🌓🌕🌔🌖🌗🌘
First thing I did, surprisingly to Carrot's request, was change into my old clothes. I once more found the weight of my armor to be missed as I put it on. I slipped on my boots, pulled up my gloves, and tightened my bandana. Now if only I could change my magic color. And clean up these cracks and chips. That couldn't happen though, so this as close to my old self as I was gonna get. I headed out and back to the livingroom when I heard a question I never really thought about myself, surprisingly. "um.. evil cannibal incarnate, who is blue's mother?" Dream asked. Huh. Who WAS my mother. Horror was my father, but who was my mother? Don't tell me it is one of the other bad guys. "lust." Wait... WHAT? I scrambled to the livingroom and everyone looked how I felt. "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE INFERTILITY THING, IS THAT POSSIBLE, SHOULDN'T LUST, MOTHER, WHATEVER BE INFERTAL TOO?!" Horror just shrugged. "guess not if you were born."
"I blame the author for not being canon." I decided. Everyone gave me a curious look. "who?" I waved it off. "Never mind."🌑🌒🌓🌕🌔🌖🌗🌘
It started with a game of hang man. They got the words 'my ', 'are' and 'the' with only a arm and the legs left currently this is what remained of the puzzle. My m a are the e t. They'll never get it. I smiled deviously. "Ready to give up?"
"never! b." Dream replied. "One B." My m a are the be t. "the last word is best!" Ink realized. Carrot hummed, thinking of words that'd match the last of the puzzle. "nope... no.... nu-uh..... that don't have an m in it......."
"not friends..."
"not brother..." Horror tilted his head. Oh! He knew it! He'd let them solve though. Carrot snapped his phalanges. "ah-ha! companions! my companions are the best!" They looked surprised. "how'd you get that?" He smirked. "i just know my bro."
"MWEH HEH HEH! WELL I GUESS YOU CHOOSE THE NEXT GAME!" His smirk widened into a smile. That was the Blueberry he knew. "simon says?" Everyone more or less agreed. "simon says put your hands on your hips." We all posed like superheroes that the Star Sanses were.🌑🌒🌓🌕🌔🌖🌗🌘
Dream got out and it was me vs Ink. I used to be really good at Simon says, but so was Ink. This was going to be hard. Currently we were both t posing per 'simon's' request. "touch yer nose." I twitched, but didn't move. Ink didn't move an inch. I blame the instincts and forced obedience. "simon says put your left fist in the air." We did so. Superhero pose again? "put yer right fist on your hip." I did so only for the fact of superhero pose. "you lose!" Ink raspberried me. "That's ok. What next, oh artistic one?"
"tic tac toe!" It was me vs Carrot and Ink vs Dream, best two out of three. "Just like old times, huh?" I was O and he was X. "i missed these games with ya, yeah." Carrot agreed. "three in a row." He drew a line through the three X's. "Mweh heh heh.. you were always the best at strategy games." He shrugged. "is that a bad thing?" I shook my head. "Not at all. It reminds me of when you were little, I knew your were going to be amazing." He laughed quietly. "nyeh.. look at us now.."
"You won again. Looks like it's you vs Dream."
"wish me luck."🌑🌒🌓🌕🌔🌖🌗🌘
After quite a few rounds, they kept on blocking each other to the point of no moves, Dream won. "hide and seek anyone?" He just chose the wrong game. My grin widened. "Are you sure, Dream?" I asked. "why not?" I shrugged. "Ok~" Horror laughed lowly. "this'll be so unfair." They were lucky I wasn't the seeker. That would have been truly unfair. I kept switching locations when I could, that always made it harder, knowing where everyone was at all times. It truly was unfair. "where'd blue go?" Dream was uber puzzled having searched the house, inside and out and having found the others. "you keep forgetting, he's from horrortale now." Horror pointed out. "what does that- oh. right.." Dream sweat dropped. Just as Carrot was about to call me out, I came out myself. "Classic is here."
"wait what?" Dream asked. "why?" Ink asked. I opened the door just as Classic was about to knock. "huh. so it is true.. heya, welcome back... blueberry."

Child of my Killer
FanfictionBlueberry lived a Star Sans and died one. Then he was reborn the son of one of his enemies.