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Iiiiiits Q&A time!!!!

I'll do the characters questions first, all from KaitinRean.

Lust what happened to you?

Lust: "the entire storyline? well i was busy with my own problems.."

Kyran: "They found out Lust has a kid so Lust's been hiding out in Dancetale."

Dance: "not to bad if you can break through his shell."

Bitter why are you so perfect?

Bitter: *figiting with his hoodie strings* "I'm really not... I've made many mistakes... but." *smiling* "Mistakes help me to learn and grow!"

Bitter, I shall now make you join my Baby Squad.

Bitter: "W-wha? What it that? Will it interfere with my work with the Star Sanses and my daily life as the Prince of Horrortale?"

Hello Dream, I think you need more attention.

Dream: "hello! trust me when i say that i get enough attention between the multiverse and my fans, i get more than enough attention.."

Classic: "don't we all."

Hey Carrot, I don't carrot you at all.

Carrot: *nearly chokes on his honey* "i'm not sure weather to laugh or be offended."

Killer what happened to you?

Killer: "i'm in an asylum, what do you think is happening?"

Kyran: "Kills, play nice."

I love you Bitter, welcome to my Baby Squad!

Bitter: "I- what- o-ok.. I guess it can't be to bad.. Um. Thanks for having me..?"

PastaGod_Italy asks: How's Error after all this?

*Error trapped within his sealed vial, being carried around by Ink while the artist absentmindedly talks to him so he isn't lonely*

Ink: "i'm surprised i haven't forgotten about you yet, error, with my crappy memory. maybe i wrote it on my scarf?"

Error: "i'm so done with you.." *Wishing he could leave, but the author is being mean to him by keeping him here*

Now the questions about me.

AppleDashLuv2010 asks: What's your favorite ship? Anything you want to say to your readers?

My favorite ship is Kustard, though Spicyhoney has recently caught my attention as well.

As far as what I'd like to say to my readers... it's the usual you'd get from any author. Thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoyed it, and feel free to read any of my other stories if you so choose!

KremeKillsShips asks: What's your favorite book on Wattpad? What do you want to write about next?

My favorite? It's hard to say. I suppose it's between The Wolf Within, Bone of Contention, Changeling, and The Time Before. They are all SUPER good!

Next will actually be a UTAUxCreepypasta. Please don't question it to much.

DustBerryYandere asks: What's your favorite Blueberry ship? What do you personally think is the best book out of all your writings?

I ship Blueberry polygamously with all the Bad Sanses. I'm not sure why? I just like the concept.

I'm VERY proud of this. This is my best... this and The Ties That Bind Us.

TotallyNOTObsessedWithBlueberry asks: Where are you from? Any siblings?

I'm an American within the Central Timezone.

I'm the 3rd youngest of 6 siblings. 3 brothers, 2 sisters (both being older than me along with one of my brothers, my other 2 brothers are younger than me.)

KaitinRean asks: Can you speak any other languages? Rate Bitter from 1 to 10? (Kaitin had rated him as 10/10)

I took three years of Spanish in high school, but I can barely remember it! *is proud of herself (not really)*

I'd rate him a good 9/10 because there is always room for improvement.

It's not to late to ask any questions if ya got them, but that's the end of this.

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