The Bad Sanses Find Out

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My brother managed to convince me to come home for awhile. Everything was just as it was when I died. Chara was still resetting, genocides still happened, the only difference there was no more loveable Blueberry to train in the culinary art or simply hang out with. "Do they even remember me?" I asked as we went into the house. "they do. they know you disappeared. i couldn't bring myself to talk about it much though.. all they really know is that something bad happened." I gave Carrot a sympathetic smile. "Well I'm back now, so you won't have to."
"they'll have questions. those cracks and your magic color isn't anything normal for you, and that's just the outside differences." He had a point. "We'll figure it out. Until this war is over though, I think I'll just stay home. I can see the others later." I decided, sitting on the couch. Carrot flopped down next to me. "nabstaton?"
"OH STARS YES!" My eyelights exploded into hundreds of red stars. Carrot snickered. "i miss that face."


Though he looked asleep, I knew Carrot was very much awake. Father was the same way. Had Papyrus always been like this? Or was it a result from my death. Or perhaps it only got worse since I died. I didn't know. I found difficulty in focusing on the show though. I love Napstaton's work, don't get me wrong, but I couldn't remember ever watching TV in this life. There was none in the castle, Horrortale didn't have power, and we'd been busy doing other things at the hide out. So focusing on one thing was hard for me now. Carrot's phone went off. "ello?" I could hear Undyne on the other end. "Waterfall is under attack, we think they are heading to Snowdin so can you evacuate the civilians?"
"under attack? by who?"
"Don't freak out, but they.. they kinda look like Sans. There's three from what I can see on the cameras. One has a target soul, one has a dusty blue jacket, and the third is in black and white-" Carrot hung up. "Seems they already replaced my father." I summoned my hatchet to my side. "Let's go."


Alphys had been doing well enough, but she wasn't going to last much longer against the three. The new guy wore black and white, as Undyne had said. There was a red mark under his right socket which also held a red eyelight. He carried a large knife, easily the length of his body, if not bigger. I summoned a ring of bones to block the trio while Carrot and I both fired blasters to separate them. We both put ourselves between Al and them, ready for a fight. "killer, dust, new guy. what brings you to underswap?" We already had an idea on that. This was an attempt to kill me yet again. We'd fallen right into it as well, even before we knew this was their plan. "hey look guys, free exp." Dust's insane smile widened. "Not on my watch." I took a bold step forward. "bitterberry. the boss has sentenced you to death for your betrayal." Killer stated. Not like I didn't already know that. "You can try to kill me again... b u t y o u ' l l f i n d i t w o n ' t b e a s e a s y t h i s t i m e a r o u n d." I hissed. They made the first move as Dust threw up bones to separate me from Carrot.


I dodged, blocked, and weaved around Killer and the new guys attacks. Cross, they called him. They may have had the ability to shortcut, but I had a fast reaction time that was keeping me from being harmed. They were fairing the same, easily moving of teleporting before I could land a hit with my hatchet. I summoned a blaster, but Cross easily deflected the blow. Stars dammit. I'm getting sick of this. I didn't know how my brother was fairing, though since this was his au, he'd be fine once Chara reset, but still. I needed to protect him. "you're distracted." Cross said from behind me. My eyelights went black as I reacted on instinct to protect myself. I kicked upwards behind me and sent my hatchet flying towards an approaching enemy. Cross stumbled back, having lost his balance while the hatchet struck killer in his shoulder. "blue!" Carrot had some cuts and such as he ran around the bones with Dust on his tail. I was quick to fetch my hatchet and yeet it at dust, who barely had time to dodge. "holy shit!"
"Get us to base!" There was no argument as he grabbed my arm, teleported us to grab my hatchet once more, then took us to the machine to get to base. The war had begun.



"boss, they got away." Dust decided to be blunt about it, seeing as they were going to be tortured anyway. Nightmare's tentacles thrashed. "what."
"we had them, but they got away." Killer replied. "carrot called bitter something interesting too. something that got me thinking."
"i heard it as well." Killer nodded. "who is blue?" Cross asked. "b-blu-eber-ry w-as a st-ar sa-an-s th-tha-t we e-ended y-ear-s a-go. d-on-t te-ll me bi-tte-ter is.."
"it is true. bitterberry of horrortale is the reincarnation of blueberry of underswap."

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