My grip was tight on my hatchet. I was joining the family business today. I didn't want to, but I wasn't being given a choice. If I didn't kill today, Nightmare would kill me. I was going to have to close off my soul. In 5 minutes time, I'm going to become a murderer. Just like my father. Just like the boys. I closed my sockets. Everything about this screamed that it was wrong, that I couldn't do this. I wanted to listen to it. Maybe.. I can fake it to make it? "are you ready?" Father whispered to me. I opened my sockets. "Not really." I replied. "your gonna have to be. we're leaving now." He went ahead of me. His own way of trying to shield me just a bit longer from the job. Then I was there. Monsters screaming and begging for mercy. Blood and dust was already spreading in the snow. Everyone broke off in their own directions. My directive had been to take the shop, Inn, and Grillby's. That's were I headed. The door was locked. I could smell food inside. Clothing. Fear from the monsters inside. I slammed my hatchet into the door. It left quite the hole. I heard the screams. The screams that reminded me to much of the ones in my nightmare. I shuttered. I couldn't do this. I pulled my hatchet out. I didn't wanna do this. I couldn't kill an innocent monster. I glanced around. In the shadows, I could barely see Killer watching. How do I get around this? If I don't do it, he will report to Nightmare and I'll be killed myself. I slammed my hatchet into the door again.
I stepped through the hole I made into the shop. The fear was strong. No doubt the shop keep was behind the counter. I could smell two children with her. 'just stay down and nobody gets hurt.' I thought wearily. If I found some flour and ash, I could mix it to look like dust. So long as nobody moves or leaves, Killer wouldn't know the difference. I stepped behind the counter. The rabbit and her children looked at me in fear. "Move an inch and you die." I stated as I searched the counter for flour. "If you're going to make a noise, make sure it's a scream, I don't need the others knowing of what I'm doing. Do you have a fire place?" She nodded and pointed a shaky finger to the back. I followed her gesture. "trying to fool me eh?" I froze. "killing for the first time is scary, kid. i get it, but the boss'll tell if it's dust or fake shit. i'll make it easier on you." Killer stabbed the children, who dusted in their mothers arms. She screamed. "now you only have to kill the woman."
"K-Killer.. I-"
"you will, or the boss will find out. kill her." My sockets went dark and I shook my head. "kill. her."
"I- I can't.." I shook violently. "k i l l h e r ." I approached slowly, tears streamed down my face. "Pl-"
"not a word, woman." Killer hissed. "do it." Me or them, me or them, me or them.. I swung the hatchet down. "good boy." Killer left me with the dust of that poor woman and her children. "I-i'm sorry.. i- I'm so sorry.." I felt like I was being torn apart on the inside.🌑🌒🌓🌕🌔🌖🌗🌘
I will never forget that day. How horrible it felt to kill her. Killer and father cleaned up after me, Killer killing the Inn keeper and father taking Grillby's. Nightmare was satisfied enough, knowing I did kill. "you'll grow numb to it, bitter. i promise." Father tried to reassure me. I didn't want to grow numb. I wanted to not do it at all. And if I had to, I wanted to make sure I regretted my actions. LV doesn't work that way though. Just as father said, I did start to grow numb to it, as we went out more and more. There was still a small part of me, deep inside, that protested against the death and violence. I wanted that to stay alive. I hope it stays alive.

Child of my Killer
FanfictionBlueberry lived a Star Sans and died one. Then he was reborn the son of one of his enemies.