I dodged, a bone tearing at my hoodie as I did so. My starry eyelights stared down my opponent, Raspberry. Yes. Raspberry. We were fighting in Swapfell. I shot bones at my counterpart, could he still be considered that?, making him leap away. I jumped away myself as Killer fired a blaster at me. Where did Dingo go- I blocked a bone as the significantly taller skeleton tried to sneak up behind me. Why were the Swapfell brothers focusing on me? Well, it's what Nightmare ordered them to do. Why couldn't they be neutral like Red and Blackberry? I huffed. He probably had something over their heads. Maybe au protection? I didn't know. I pushed the the attacks up, and dove in-between Dingo's legs. Of course, the other have been trying to get their focus off of me. Carrot fired a Blaster at Dingo while Cross was trying to recover from his last attack. Horror managed to divert some of Dust's Blaster fire towards Raspberry. I took the chance to go after Killer again.
Killer was actually struggling a bit against me. I was giving him my all, attacking from all sides. My instincts were on overdrive and I was using it to hunt him. Then he teleported away. He was fleeing me. I growled. I wouldn't let him. I took off after his scent. "shit, he's in hunter mode." Horror cursed as he deflected some more of Dust's attacks. "and that means?" Carrot asked, catching Dingo in blue magic and throwing him like a ragdoll randomly. "his instinct is in full control. when he finds killer, he will kill him."
"can we snap him out of it?" Dream asked, firing arrows at his brother. "if we weren't being attacked, possibly, but that's a bit impossible right now!" Horror felt a bone peirce through his sternum, earning a yelp from the ex-murderer. "or if we don't die first.."
"let's try and end this quick then." Ink concluded as he burned through more of Error's strings.🌑🌒🌓🌕🌔🌖🌗🌘
I crouched, sniffing a spot in the snow. He was still retreating, but he was slowing down. Wounded. He was headed to the forest. That'd give him cover, but it would give me the advantage. Less scents for me to sift through, less distractions, less sounds. I could take full advantage of my instincts, not that I wasn't already. The last time I was like this.. the last time I was in full hunter mode was when my training started. I'd been careful not to lose control since. Father said it happened when we were under a high amount of stress or fear, which I suppose, was why I was I a similar state when I woke up from the nightmares. It wasn't the same though. I followed the scent to the edge of the woods. I could see his footsteps now. He was close.
I followed his footprints as I gripped my hatchet tightly. There was some points where the snow caved into what I could only was assume was a knee print. He was tired, but he knew he was being hunted, so he was pushing on, tiring himself further. These breaks were starting to become more and more frequent. His scent was no longer moving. He'd exhausted himself. Or resigned to his fate. I continued to track until I spotted my prey siting against a tree. His clothes were a tattered mess, his head was down, breathing shallow. His hp was lower than I initially thought. It must have been his Chara's determination that made him last as long as he had against my hunter mode. A grinned, as I took my place in front of him. I rose my hatchet up. This was the end.
Familiar.. I tensed, feeling my own fear rise within me. Why was I afraid? Then I remembered the ax. The ax in a similar, if not the same, position. Then it had come down on my head. I.. I'm not- I don't do that anymore! I'm not a killer anymore. I'm Bitterberry, and before that I was Blueberry, a Star Sans. I lowered the hatchet. I'm not going to ruin all that by killing Killer. No.. there was better justice out there. Checking Killer, I realized he was unconscious. I grabbed him by the hood and started dragging him through the snow, back to the others. "blue!" I met them at the edge of the woods. "We won?" I asked. "where's killer?" Dream asked. I pulled him in front of me. "I'm not a killer." I stated firmly. "We can drop him off in Prisontale or Asylumtale or something." Horror blinked. "you.. snapped out of it?" I shrugged and laughed, putting my hands on my pelvis. "OF COURSE! I AM THE MAGNIFICENT BITTER, AFTER ALL!" That had got them all rather happy. "let's go deal with this prick now." Carrot grabbed Killer. With one less threat in the multiverse, we could finally get to the main objective.

Child of my Killer
FanfictionBlueberry lived a Star Sans and died one. Then he was reborn the son of one of his enemies.