Rash Actions, Rash Decisions

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I stopped at the end of the hall. "so..what now? bitter has been cooperative, but will the gang come for him? is he acting?" Ink asked. "i wanna know why and what was hurting him. that was real. did they do something to him?" Dream puzzled. "... why does he look so much like..." Carrot closed his sockets, pain clear on his face. "it's not fair.. i shoulda stopped him from going.." The starry duo gave him sympathetic looks. "it wasn't your fault, carrot. i proposed the idea.. i shouldn't have.." Ink looked down in shame.
"no, no.. neither of you are at fault, i should have noticed his hesitation sooner. it was a huge task we asked of him.."
"i don't think he blames any of you.. if anything, he wouldn't be happy that your blaming yourselves, and would want you to smile." I chose my words carefully, trying to keep on their good side. Dream inhaled sharply, glancing at Carrot. Ink stared blankly. Carrot.. uh- oh.


I ducked as bones whizzed by. "get out! get out of them!" He hissed. "Carrot! It's not what you think!"
"stop mocking me you little shit!" There was a ping as he grabbed my soul. I was thrown back and into the far wall. Why did I think it was a good idea to wear my old clothing!? Carrot was breaking down now! I was released and immediately rolled out of the way of more bone attacks. "I-" I couldn't even get a word in, edge wise. My survival instincts were kicking in. Fight or flight, and I wasn't going to fight my brother. I darted down the hall and into the bedroom. Carrot teleported behind me. "don't think i'll let you go this easily!" He summoned a blaster. "carrot wait that's to much!" Dream cried out. "he's mocking him! mocking my brother! dirty brother killer!" I need an out now! Then something pulled me out the window from behind.


I looked up at Nightmare, who glared down at me. "you're lucky i didn't let him kill you. horror, take your brat." I was dropped on the ground in a heap. Father ran to me. "did they hurt ya? are ya ok?" He was sniffing for any trace of blood. "I'm ok, I'm ok.. they just caught me.. I uh.. I tried to escape, but they found out. Thanks for saving me boss." Complete utter bull. I let them take me. If I told Nightmare.. I shivered. "thank me by telling me what you know." What do I tell him? "They're very broken up about uh.. I looked at the clothes I was wearing. "This Blueberry guy. Wasn't happy that I stold his clothes."
"why are you wearing his shit?" Dust asked. "..." Horror glared at Dust, coming to my defense. "you know as much as anyone that he don't like the job. cut the kid some slack." He looked to me. "i'll get your answers.." Great. Now father is going to interrogate me.


When we got back to the mansion, father took me to his room so we could be alone. "sit." I did as he asked as he paced the room restlessly. He stopped with a heavy sigh. "what happened?" I looked down. "alot." He growled stalking up to me. A part of me wanted to flinch away in fear. I held my ground. "don't be vague. nightmare thinks you're working with the enemy." I glared up. "I'm not! Not really! It's.. complicated.." He crouched down. "i'm your father, bitter. you can talk to me." He tried a different approach. "... Ink got me with his magic paints. They had me bound to a chair in the livingroom. I escaped and raided their kitchen for food and some sort of sleep spell was cast on me. When I woke up, I saw these clothes and decided to change. You know I hate the feeling of dust on my clothes. I tried to escape, but I was spotted and slammed into a wall. I tried to escape again, but.. well you know from there." Was it a bit of a lie? Yes. Would it work? Also yes. How was I supposed to tell him I'm the reincarnation and doppelganger of the Star Sans he killed in cold blood?


Horror got up slowly. "let's see your back." No complaints here, it hurt. I'm used to pain though, so it didn't particularly bother me. I turned around and took off the armor. "hm.. there's some small fractures.." He sighed. "i don't see what was so complicated about your story. it checks out. you have this to prove it. so unless your not telling the whole story.."
"All they know is that I'm your son. I said nothing else." I promised. Nothing that they didn't already know, anyway. "Unfortunately, they didn't tell me anything either."
"i see. i'll talk to nightmare. you tend to this." I heard father stand. "Do you believe me?" I asked before I could stop myself. "i.. believe something happened that your not telling me. but do i believe what you've told me thus far, yes." With that he left me to my own devices. "Yeah.. that's the complicated part. You don't need to know." I muttered to myself as I headed to the bathroom.

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