The End

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Dust was caught rather quickly after that. Now it was just Nightmare and Error left. We decided to separate and distract them so Ink and Dream did their thing. Carrot and Cross went after Error while father and I went after Nightmare. I jumped up, slashing my hatchet at Nightmare. "what the hell-" Dream was equally surprised. "you took them down?"
"don't just worry about him, 'boss'." Horror's ax came down and Nightmare moved away from them both, tentacles surging towards them. Horror teleported away while I summoned and charged a blaster to distract him while I escaped myself. Nightmare growled hatefully.


I've been managing well in dodging Nightmare's tentacles, and attacks. Horror had sustained heavy damage, but was still going. Dream was nearly ready, drawing loads of his magic into the single arrow. He would be exhausted, but with any luck, it should work. I shot bones at Nightmare, weaving around his deadly tentacles. Speed and instinct honestly work well together, but Nightmare WAS a God with years MORE experience than me. 500 years to be exact. So one swift and calculated strike to my femur was my downfall as I yelped, rolling on the ground. I threw my hatchet at the tentacle that'd taken me down before it could wrap itself around me. "bitter!" Horror cried out as another tentacle wrapped around my neck, picking me up. "i grow tired of these games, blueberry. let's see how you do against yourself." I didn't understand what he meant until his magic struck me and I went limp. "bitterberry!" Horror went on the attack as Nightmare dropped my body to defend against the large skeleton. The arrow had turned gold now, it was four times its normal size. "nightmare!"


3rd POV

The King of Negativity turned to the Guardian of Positivity as he fired the arrow. Nightmare didn't have time to defend himself. He didn't have time to run. He didn't have time to do anything. He took the hit. He screamed at first. It hurt. It burned. The negativity squeezing itself back into a form lost so long ago. The corruption burning away from the positivity. "Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Nightmare, looking less goopy and more skeleton, dropped to his hands and knees trembling. Horror's eye went wide. Dream was shaking from all the magic loss. But it worked. "n-night.." He panted. "d-dream.. y-you did it! you saved me! are you ok?" Nightmare crawled shakily to his brother, Dream dropping to his knees so they could embrace. "i'll be fine! i'm just glad to have you back!" Horror rushed to his son, still limp on the ground. "bitter, bitterberry, can you here me?!" He picked up his boy, checking for signs of life. Bitter was alive... he was just lost in a nightmare that not even Nightmare himself could stop. "i-i'm sorry, i-i'm so s-sorry!" Nightmare stammered. Horror growled as the others, having sealed away Error in a paint vial, came to see what was wrong. "don't apologize, bring him back!"
"i can't! that was the corruptions power, not mine! i-i can't save him.. he has to beat this himself.."
"brother... what happens if he doesn't?" Nightmare looked at everyone, scared. "he'll die.."


Bitterberry POV

It was dark as I walked Snowdin's forest. This nightmare wouldn't be the same as the others, I knew that much. Nightmare had sent my here himself. This was likely do or die, and I didn't plan on dying. It wasn't long before I got the feeling of being watched. No matter how much I strained to see, to hear, to smell my pursuer, all I could see was trees. All I could hear was the howling wind. All I could smell was dust. That was until I heard shuffling ahead of me. I stopped, trying to summon my hatchet. But I couldn't. I summoned a sharpened bone instead. Two blue stars appeared from the darkness and he shuffled forward. It was Blueberry, and due to the knives in his femur and back, his gait was off. There was that hole in his skull wear the ax had come down on him... on us. "B-Blueberry.. I'm not fighting you." The ax that was in his head was now in his hands and he grinned blankly. "BUT YOU WILL OR YOU'LL DIE."


He lerched forward, swinging the ax. For a wounded guy, he was still fast. I jumped away. "Come on Blue! We're friends!"
"I'M NOT FRIENDS WITH A KILLER, AND YOU'RE NOT FRIENDS WITH A DEAD GUY." He swung again and I dodged again, running behind him. "We had good times! You helped me!"
"YOU HELPED YOURSELF." He replied simply, jamming the ax into a tree that I just ducked away from. "But I AM you!"
"YOU ARE YOURSELF. WE SHARE A SOUL, BUT YOU AREN'T ME AS I AM NOT YOU. I AM BLUEBERRY, BROTHER TO CARROT, FRIEND TO DREAM AND INK, YOU ARE BITTERBERRY, SON TO HORROR, NEPHEW TO CROOKS." He pulled the ax out of the tree and nicked my ribcage. Somehow that little nick took a huge chunk of my hp though, I was down to 1/80. My sockets went dark with fear. "YOU THINK I HELPED YOU, BUT IN REALITY YOU HELPED YOURSELF. YOU MADE YOUR OWN FRIENDS, YOU CHOSE YOUR OWN PATH, YOU STOPPED KILLER, AND DUST, AND HORROR, AND CROSS. YOU STOPPED NIGHTMARE. IT WAS ALWAYS YOU, BITTER." He... he was right. I mean, yeah I most definitely had help, but he didn't do all that.. I had. "There you go.. helping me again.. good bye, Blueberry." Before the ax came down on me, my bone peirced through him. His smile became genuine. "Take care of everyone for me."
"I will, Blue."

3 chapters left

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